The paper aims to examine South Korean Cinema’s memorial project in the 1960s, focusing on the commemoration of the ‘beginning of Korean Cinema’ and the mythologization of Na Un-Kyu. While the project to confirm the beginning of Korean cinema and enact ‘Movie Day’ as a national memorial day was a process of commemorating the history of Korean Cinema in the national temporality, the memorial of Na Un-kyu as a pioneer of Korean cinema was a separately meaningful celebration for the group of film personnel. Hanguk-Yeonghwa-Jeonsa (Comprehensive History of Korean Cinema, 1969), published by the Association of Korean Film Personnel in commemoration of “Half a Century of Korean Cinema”, was not only the fruit of a series of commemoration practices in the 1960s and the first whole historiography that covered a vast amount of data, historical descriptions, individual’s reflections, statistics and so on, but was also a historical turning point that marked South Korean cinema’s ambition to enter contemporary world cinema. In the 1960s, South Korean cinema’s memorial project was a venue where various voices and desires from both inside and outside the film industry clashed with each other in the complex context surrounding the nation, film industry, and culture. It created the most influential voices throughout the half a century of Korean cinema by showing the society of Korean filmdom and the group of Korean film personnel.
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