ISSN : 1738-3188
This paper seeks to examine the dystopian representations and the ‘zombie’ image of North Korea reproduced from a global perspective. Globally, North Korea is often imagined to be a ‘zombie state’ today. Especially in the media, the North Korean people are likened to zombies in parallel to the ‘homo sacer’ when spotlighting their escapades and starvation or their robot-like obedience to the sovereign. This article, however, is based on the idea that the image of North Korea as a ‘zombie state’ is more telling of the global system rather than the reality of the state. Through this premise, various dystopian novels, movies, and newspaper articles that portray North Korea as a zombie are examined. As a result, this article sought to understand the political imagination involved in the view of North Korea as a zombie state. Particularly, Max Brooks’ post-zombie apocalypse novel ‘World War Z’ deals with North Korea vaguely in response to global Zombie crisis. According to this novel, It is assumed that North Korea responds most systematically to the Zombie crisis or that the entire people are turning into zombies in underground caves. In short, North Korea must remain in a state of exception for the world system to return to normal.
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