ISSN : 1738-3188
This paper examines the kind of film art that the magazine Younghwa-yesul(Film Art) was trying to establish through the political process of criticism and translation. By doing this, this, the aim was to newly establish the Korean aesthetics in the period between the 1960s and 1970s. Younghwa-yesul(Film Art) was first published in April 1965 and continued for about eight years until 1972. This paper focuses on the Western articles that were translated because the process of selecting and translating Western articles was a very political process. The translation of the articles can be classified into three periods. The first begins in April 1965 and lasts until September 1967. During this period, Younghwa-yesul(Film Art) discussed the emergence of a genuine ‘film writer’. The second period lasts from November 1967 to January 1969. During this period, there was a demand for films to deviate from the influence of literature and to establish their own aesthetic. The third period is between April 1969 and November 1971. At this time, Korean films were in a slump due to the growth of television. So Korean films had to build a new aesthetic for survival. This paper will lead to an understanding of how Younghwa-yesul(Film Art) established ‘film art’ through translated articles.
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