This paper focuses on the new assignment for application of local inheritance in Choe Myeng Hye’s Hon Bul. Choe Myeng Hye’s Hon Bul is a novel which contains a history of Lee’s Family and Korean ethnography, especially Jeonbuk’s ethnography. History, culture, folklore, and the customs of Jeonbuk interrupts the main story of this work. Two literary houses are located in Jeonju and Namwon and the memorial park of Choe Myeng Hye is located in Jeonju. A lot of events are held annually such as the ‘literary festival of Hon Bul’, ‘scholarship award of Hon Bul’, and a ‘literary tour of Hon Bul’. The musical drama ‘Hon Bul’ has also been performing in Jeonju since 2002. However, the family of the deceased did not aid in the application of local inheritance in Choe Myeng Hye’s Hon Bul. The budget for the application of local inheritance in Choe Myeng Hye’s Hon Bul is lacking. Two literary houses should dispose of the specialists who plan and manage the literary events of Choe Myeng Hye’s Hon Bul. The academic society for studying Choe Myeng Hye’s Hon Bul should be created. The academic society for the study of Choe Myeng Hye’s Hon Bul can control all events and exhibitions. The theme of Choe Myeng Hye’s Hon Bul is ‘the power of flowers’. ‘The power of flower’, ‘Kot Sim’ in Korean, became ’the spirit of Jeonju’ in 2016 in recognition of its forming of citizenship and the identity of the city. This paper proposes new directions of assignment for the application of local inheritance in Choe Myeng Hye’s Hon Bul both in hardware and software. We expect the application of local inheritance in Choe Myeng Hye’s Hon Bul will enhance the pride of the community.
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