ISSN : 1738-3188
In 1961, Kim Gwang-ju published a series of Jeong Hyup Ji in “The Kyunghyang Shinmun”. At that time, Muhyeop Novels were unfamiliar to the public. Hong Kong’s martial arts films were already known, but they were not Muhyeop novels. From then on, Kim Gwang-ju made a fresh start as a Muhyeop novel writer. The novel Jeong Hyup Ji is a popular approach to a genre that was unfamiliar to the public until 1960. Research into Kim’s early works is well underway. However, research on Muhyeop Novels is lacking. Looking into the genre of ‘Muhyeop’ novels, it is possible to see that they have elements of the diaspora. This research will examine this point and these tasks will expand the scope of research. So far, there have been many studies on regarding the diaspora, but no study on the relationship between the diaspora and the genre of Muhyeop novels. This work may also be meaningful in that it expands the biased Diaspora research to the side of popular literature. Jeong Hyup Ji is based on the character’s personal narrative structure and adds interesting stories within it such as those about rivalry, rivalry in love, and the search for treasure. It was a strategy that would win popularity. In addition, the readers’ experience of diaspora was combined, causing a synergy effect and achieving commercial success.
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