• P-ISSN3022-0335
  • E-ISSN3058-2105

논문 상세

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  • P-ISSN 3022-0335
  • E-ISSN 3058-2105


The Secret of the Golden Flower: Jung, Taoism, and Daesoon Thought

동아시아종교문화연구(東亞宗敎文化硏究) / Journal of East Asian Religions and Cultures, (P)3022-0335; (E)3058-2105
2023, v.1 no.1, pp.211-223
聶雅婷(Yatin NEI) (Chang Jung Christian University)



煉丹, 金花, 自性現象詮釋, 個體化, 銜尾蛇


Jung regarded the specific materials and processesused by medieval alchemists as psychological contents and process-projections. The work of ancient alchemy is similar to life experiences that change a person's personality, and the individualized goal can be compared to the golden elixir. Therefore, the process of alchemy can be said to be the process of individualized development. Individualized cultivation is a kind of alchemy. It is the pursuit of inner self-spirit and a type of spiritual cultivation. Jung believed that the pursuit of the self is to return to a state of purity and innocence. People's lifelong practice is like the manifestation of Eastern self-cultivation. Jung called this alchemy. Through practice, percieved substances are smelted into a precious spiritual gold and integrated into an organic whole. This whole body integrates all such phenomena into one, sharing empathy and compassion. And those who truly possess the nature of spiritual awareness find it is often accompanied by the experience of enlightenment, which is a transcendence of the self. This is the premise under which this article begins its exploration of this topic.

Self-nature, alchemy, images, the golden elixir

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  • 65다운로드 수
  • 97조회수
  • 0KCI 피인용수
  • 0WOS 피인용수

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