ISSN : 2287-8327
Coarse woody debris (CWD, ≥ 5 cm in maximum diameter) is an important functional component, especially to nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems. To compare mass and nutrient dynamics of CWD in natural oak forests, a two-year study was conducted at Quercus serrata and Q. variabilis stands in Yangpyeong, Kyonggi Province. Total CWD (snag, stump, log and large branch) and annual decomposition mass (Mg/ha) were 1.9 and 0.4 for the Q. serrata stand and 7.5 and 0.5 for the Q. variabilis stand, respectively. Snags covered 72% of total CWD mass for the Q. variabilis stand and 42% for the Q. serrata stand. Most of CWD was classified into decay class 1 for both stands. CWD N and P concentrations for the Q. variabilis stand significantly increased along decay class and sampling time, except for P concentration in 2002. There were no differences in CWD N concentration for the Q. serrata stand along decay class and sampling time. However, CWD P concentration decreased along sampling time. CWD N and P contents (kg/ha) ranged from 3.5~4.7 and 0.8~1.3 for the Q. serrata stand to 22.8~23.6 and 3.7~4.7 for the Q. variabilis stand. Nitrogen and P inputs (kg/ha/yr) into mineral soil through the CWD decomposition were 0.7 and 0.3 for the Q. serrata stand and 1.6 and 0.3 for the Q. variabilis stand, respectively. The number of CWD and decay rate were main factors influencing the difference in CWD mass and nutrient dynamics between both stands.
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