In the study, the effects of elevated CO₂ and temperature on the photosynthetic characteristics, chlorophyll content,nitrogen content, carbon content, and C/N ratio of Phytolacca insularis and Phytolacca americana were examined under control (ambient CO₂+ ambient temperature) and treatment (elevated CO₂+ elevated temperature) for 2 years (2008and 2009). The photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and water use efficiency of two plant species were higher under the treatment than the under the control. The stomatal conductance of P. insularis was higher under the control, but that of P. americana was not significantly affected by CO₂ and temperature under the treatment. The chlorophyll contents of two species were decreased about 72.5% and 20%, respectively, by elevated CO₂ and temperature. The nitrogen contents of two species were not significantly altered by increase in CO₂ and temperature. The carbon contents of the two species were higher under the treatment than under the control. The C/N ratio of P. insularis was higher under the treatment but that of P. americana was not significantly affected by CO₂ and temperature. These results demonstrated that the physiological responses of P. insularis native plants might be more sensitively influenced by a CO₂-mediated global warming situation than those of the P. americana invasive plants.
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