• P-ISSN1010-0695
  • E-ISSN2288-3339

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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

A Study on the Clinical Features of Ordinary Sleeping Patterns Based on the Sasang Constitution, Using the Logistic Regression

Journal of Korean Medicine / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2004, v.25 no.4, pp.171-179
Jae-Young Choi
Jeong-Rak Choi

Seong-Sik Park
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Objectives : This study was undertaken for discovering the characteristics of sleep in ordinary symptoms based on the Sasang Constitution. The result of this study could be helpful to understand and to identify patients such as Taeumin, Soyangin Soeumin or Taeyangin. Methods : There were 1,229 patients (529 men), who answered the questionnaire about their ordinary sleeping patterns. They were diagnosed, including their clinical Sasang Constitution, by the Sasang Constitution specialist at Bundang Oriental Hospital of Dongguk University. By applying the multinomial and binary logistic regression analysis to those collected materials, we can measure the characteristics and the influence of ordinary sleeping patterns to the dependent variable (Sasang Constitution). Results : In order of the item's influence that had decided one's constitution, between Taeumin and Soeumin, Taeumin snored frequently or well more than Soeumin, Soeumin had more dreams and more sleeping times than Taeumin, and Taeumin struggled frequently or well more than Soeumin. Between Soyangin and Soeumin, Soeumin dreams more frequently than Soyangin, Soyangin snored frequently or well more than Soeumin, and Soeumin has more sleeping times than Taeumin. Between Taeumin and Soyangin, Taeumin snored frequently or well more than Soyangin. Between Taeyangin and a group of the other constitutions, Taeyangin felt unwell after sleeping more than the other constitutions, the other constitutions awaked frequently more than Taeyangin during sleeping. Conclusion : This study will be used for identifying patients as Taeumin, Soyangin, Soeumin or Taeyangin by contrast with each other.

Sasang Constitution, Sleep, Questionnaire, Logistic Regression., Sasang Constitution, Sleep, Questionnaire, Logistic Regression.



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