In this study, the concepts and main ideas of the ‘Management System for Records(MSR)' standards which is being prepared by ISO(TC46/SC11) are explained. And the implications and prospects of MSR standards are suggested for the development of records management practice in Korea. The MSR has the same frame with the ISO 9001(QA system) and its main procedures are consistent with ISO 15489. Its methodology of record management can help organizations to integrate their records management with their own management and system development strategies. The MSR can provide good solutions to improve the national archiving policy and to solve the current argument about the professionalism of record managers.
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ISO/DIS 30301. Information and Documentation- Management System for Records-Requirements.
ISO/DIS 30300. Information and Documentation- Management System for Records-Fundamentals and Vocabulary.
KS X ISO 15489-1. 문헌정보-기록관리 -제1부: 일반사항.
KS Q ISO 9001. 품질경영시스템-요구 사항.