This study aims to investigate services of presidential archives in Korea for users who utilize holdings of the archives for scholarly purposes, as well as to examine users’ perception of the services. For these purposes, the study analyzed the content of 13 U.S. presidential libraries’ Web sites in terms of their research services. In addition, it examined the content of a Korean presidential archives’ Web site regarding its research services. Telephone interviews of three staff members of the presidential archives were conducted to better understand the services. With this, three users who have written research papers by using presidential records were interviewed by telephone. It was found that federated search services, access by subjects, and related records of search results were considered necessary by users. A variety of digitized records should be provided online and the services needed should be changed from mere processing of FOIA requests to archival reference services to meet users’ needs. Congruently, the presidential archives should provide specialized services to offer records relevant to users’ research interests and to provide the compilation of selected records crucial for research.
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