To comprehend the importance and necessity of record management metadata standard implemented in an electronic medical records system, a survey was undertaken to 50 medical records managers in charge of 5 major hospitals in Seoul. Analysis of the survey results was performed by averaging the responses given by those who answered the survey. SPSS was utilized for statistical analysis. Managers of medical records placed importance on metadata that are related to security of records, such as “levels of security”, “types of access to medical records”, “levels of authorization granted to personnel”, and “users accessing medical records”. It shows that these managers need the functions of privacy protection in ERMS. Metadata on “external disclosure” had the lowest level but those surveyed with more than 7 years of experience placed greater importance in this area more those surveyed with less than 7 years of experience in a hospital. This shows that managers need the functions of external disclosure to meet the needs of third partiesfor medical research and medical education.
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