This study aims to design and implement an integrated information retrieval system for the archives in Korea. Particularly, this study is focused on the improvement of the usability of the system. To achieve the goal, this study analyzed the current retrieval systems of national archives and presidential archives in Korea. A new integrated retrieval system, called KAIRS, is designed based on the EAD elements, which is implemented through emulation technic between two retrieval systems. KAIRS showed higher of user satisfaction compared to the existing two retrieval systems in their usability test.
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한국. 안전행정부. 나라기록포털의 검색시스템의 기술적(technical)사항.
한국. 안전행정부. 국가기록원 계층별 검색의 기술요소.
한국. 안전행정부. 대통령기록관의 기록물 기술요소.
한국. 안전행정부. 대통령기록관의 검색시스템의 기술적(technical)사항.