The purposes of this study are to compensate for the deficiencies of the presidential records using the documentation strategy and to establish a long-term plan for collecting presidential records that should be considered as references in country governance. For these purposes, this study examined literature reviews, foreign case studies, and the presidential records collection of the United States and Korea, and conducted in-depth interviews in relation to the presidential records collection. Semistructured questionnaires were used for in-depth interviews and 15 target organizations, such as a foundation and memorial affairs agency, central government agencies, and university-affiliated organizations, were selected. A total of 14 records collectors of 12 organizations (82%) of all 17 records collectors of 17 organizations (100%) participated in these interviews, and the interview results were analyzed according to the grounded theory of qualitative research methodology. Based on the accumulated results, this study proposes an effective model in designing collection strategy and operating and collecting presidential records through the use of documentation strategies.
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공공기록물 관리에 관한 법률, 법률 제12844호.
대통령기록물 관리에 관한 법률, 법률 제10009호.
대통령관련 기록물 수집에 관한 규정, 대통령기록관 훈령 제11호.
대통령기록관 구술기록 수집․관리 지침, 대통령기록관 예규 제10호.
국가기록원 기록물 생산기관 변천 연혁 관리정보 검색.
이승만 연구원 문서목록 검색.
외교 사료관 연도별 공개목록 검색.
Miller Center.