Previously, the International Council of Archives (ICA) provided the General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G)) and the International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families (ISAAR(CPF)) for the systematic archival description by the Committee on Best Practice and Standards. Recently, the new conceptual model and ontology, which is called “Record in Context” (RIC), is being developed by the ICA Experts Group on Archival Description (EGAD). For developing the new archival standard, ICA EGAD has referenced the archival standards of Australia, Spain, and Finland, as well as the FRBRoo integrated model of the museum and library fields and the legacy ICA’s descriptive standards. This study, therefore, examined these international trends on the archival descriptive standards and derived a number of suggestions for improvement. As a result, descriptive standards are changing from the guidelines for the standardized archival description to the upper conceptual model and ontology for the flexible archival description and sharing of archival metadata. There is a need to adapt the change of the information environment and promote cooperation among cultural heritage institutions.
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