This study suggested the necessity of the management of R & D management records produced from government-supported science research institutes (the so-called “gwagichulyeon”) and of a record management manual (item). As such, it gathered rules with regard to record management, conducted a survey, and interviewed general R & D managers. As a result of the research, the ratio of the arrangement of R & D managers to R & D management departments is 100%; however, the ratio of the arrangement of record managers is 33.3%-50%, and the ratio of the arrangement of record management departments is 23.1%, which was poor. The enactment ratio of record management rules is 26.4%, and 73.7% of institutes has managed their records under the provision only of document management rules or only of office management rules. R & D management records has been collected according to an institute’s capability without a prescribed collection scope, and the conditions with regard to the omission, damage, and loss of records were poor. There are institutes that did not comprehend the production status of R & D management records. Thus, as a response, this study suggested a record management manual (item) established for the arrangement duties of record managers and record management departments as well as for notifications on the status of R & D management records. In addition, this study produced a standardized collection scope and described how to manage R & D management records.
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