How do we create a next generation Records Management System? Under a rapidly changing system development environment, the records management system of public institutions has remained stable for the past 10 years. For this reason, it seems to be the key cause of the structural problem of the Records Management System, which makes it difficult to accommodate user requirements and apply a new recording technology. The purpose of this study is to present a redesigned model for a next-generation records management system by analyzing the status of the electronic records management. This study analyzed “A Study on the Redesign of the Next-Generation Electronic Records Management Process,” records management technology of advanced records management system, and a case of an overseas system. Based on the analysis results, the improvement direction of the records management system was analyzed from several aspects: functional, software design, and software distribution. This study thus suggests that the creation of a microservice architecture-based(MSA) and an open source software-oriented (OSS) records management system should be the focus of next-generation record management.
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