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  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


  • P-ISSN1229-2435
  • E-ISSN2799-4767
  • KCI
이재철(연세대학교 도서관학과) pp.9-37
정필모(중앙대학교 도서관학과) pp.38-65


Some traditional definitions of information are examined to seek for the mutual concept of them. Mun-hun(文獻, biblio) is defined to clarify its modernized concept. Transformation of library science into Biblio-information science, with the application of information science, are maintained. The results mentioned above are as the followings; 1. The mutual concept of information should be defined as the factor which gives the motivations of certain perception and thinking to the brain of which is the contral center of thinking and behavior of man, and as the factor of knowledge and science. 2. Mun-hun(文獻) means originally "books and wise men". It is elucidated that books mean recorded information, and wise men mean oral information. And so, mun-hun means composite information. 3. It is the inevitable need to investigate the "effective means and methods for the effective use of the best information in a great information flow, and for the recreation of the more advanced information. Biblio information science should be the science to meet the need. 4. Biblio information science should be formed with the application of library science and information science. 5. Biblio information science can be defined as a science to investigate the effective means and methods of selection, processing, ac. cumulation and use of information materials, for the recreation of the more advanced information.

노옥순(이화 여자 대학교 도서관학과) pp.66-87


It is the prime importance of the information and the reference-librarians to better understand the communication functions of the library since they are the ones to whom the library users come first with their informational needs. Reference librarians often have the problem of providing information to those who may have little experience with, or interest in the library. There is also a problem of finding out what the person really wants, not what he says he wants. Therefore, the interaction between the librarian and the user involves a highly complex activity of communication with each other even before the actual search begins. Reference librarians cannot perform to any degree of success without comprehension of the general patterns and processes of communication in information seeking. Nonverbal as well as verbal transmittal process on the part of both librarians and patrons should not be overlooked. Some of the difficulties and barriers of library communication are brought so that possible cures and improvement may be sought. The basic purpose of the reference interview through which this interpersonal communication takes place is for the reference specialist to enable to link the needs of the patron with potential resource of the library. The writer firmly believes that this importance of the process be taught as well as the materials in reference service regardless of the level of the course offered in library science department.

이춘희(성균관대학교 도서관학과) pp.88-101


The libraries that existed during the latter period of the Yi Dynasty may be categorized into four types: the royal library, the school library, the clan community library, and the private library. Of these, the clan community library has yet received very little attention in the study of Korean libraries. In this study the author discusses the purposes, functions, and collections of the clan community library to clarify what that particular type of old libraries in Korea was. The clan community library functioned within individual clan communities to give young people Korean traditional education protecting them from possible influences of. Japanese version of Western scholarship which had threatened the traditional value systems of the society. The author believes that the clan community library was a unique community institution created by Korean people, and the Korean public library movement should trace its origin back to the activities of the libraries. Unfortunately the growing suppression and control of the Japanse colonial regime upon the traditional schools made the purposes and development of the clan community library movement a tragic experience before its flowering. The clan community library was a Korean native public library which came out in response to a historical situation and community need. It may deserve more attention in future study of the national library movement of Korea.

천혜봉(성균관대학교 문과대학) pp.102-131


The author's thesis is that the types used for the large-sized characters seen in the two metal type-printed books "Kyosik chubopop karyong"(交食推步法假令) and "Yok-hak kemong yohae"(易學啓蒙要解) both printed in 1458 belong to a new metal font hitherto unnamed. The former book was compiled by Yi Sun-ji(李純之) and Kim Sok-je(金石梯) in January of 1458 in accordance to King Sejo's order. A new font was created to be used for the large-sized characters of the book. Several. months after completion of the compilation, the book was printed with mixed use of the new font and the Kabin-ja(甲寅字) for medium- and small-sized characters. The latter book had been written by King Sejo before his accession to the throne. Ascending the throne the king had his scholar-subjects examine the writing to correct it where necessary. The examination was completed in July of 1458 and printing was immediately done with the two fonts the above-mentioned, new font for the large-sized letters and the Kabin-ja for the medium- and small-sized ones. The books were granted to the scholar-subjects and the students of the Sung Kyun Kwan Academy as a royal gift. The matrix seems to have been modeled after the calligraphy of King Sejo. Because the new font was created to print the large-sized letters of the two books in 1458, it may be proper to name it "Muin-ja" using the "kanji"(干支) of the year. The author is happy to identify and include another font in the list of Korean movable types as a result of the present study.

최성진(성균관대학교 도서관학과) pp.132-177


Toe public library may perform a social good only when its objectives are adequate to the community's needs. The present purpose of the public library in the Korean Library Act has no direct concern for our social needs from its very beginning because it was not created in response to our social needs but transplanted from American principles. It is, therefore. difficult to expect socially useful output of our public library programs under the present purpose which may be inadequate to our social tradition and needs. This study purposes to examine validity of the present purpose of the public library in the Korean Library Act, in the light of our community needs and our own library tradition. The methods employed to achieve the purpose of the study are (1) to survey needs of the library frequenters through questionnaire, and interviews with the public librarians in Seoul, (2) to gather the statistical data relevant to, and supporting, the hypothesis, and (3) to compare our social background with that of the United States of which the American purpose, a model for our present purpose, came out. The conclusion is as follows: A. The idea to induce people to pull themselves upward by providing for all the members of the community access to the world's best books shelved in the public library should be abandoned. The reasons are (1) that the idea is alien in our public library tradition, (2) that little demand of the community goes with the idea, and (3) that reading outside the library has come into wide practice, thanks to recent increase in individual income and that in publications. B. That the public library maintains fiction and other recreational reading materials is meaningless in the light of the community needs. These are the two explanations supporting the thesis. (1) The "uplift" theory has proved inoperative and people apparently do not progress from, light fiction to more respectable fare. (2) The conviction that fiction and other recreational reading materials keep the middling classes from the "vicious" entertainments maintaining order in the community by giving them a harmless source of recreation has lost its significance as the modern society provides a number of choices in recreation: television is an obvious example. C. The nature of the informational needs of the community has radically changed, so radically as to require substantial changes in the outlook, collections, and services of the public library, which is :slow in adopting itself to the new social surroundings in Korea. D. 92.2 per Cent of the present frequenters of the public library are high school and college students. Since the library is to meet the existing community needs it should turn its attention to the student group, and develop the means to serve it better, not the "theoretical group of specialists who do not come to "the public library. E. In revision of the purpose of the public library, priority of each objective should be given. The priorities in the last analysis are research and information. culture, recreation in that order.

권기원() pp.178-210


It needs to put into practice the systems analysis in the analysis of some operations and status of library for the purpose of systematizing the work of reforming in the new easier form to process, to storage, to retrieve and to make use of the increasing informations and data of library. In this study, some of systems which are generally using in every library was caught in the case study of K university library. Having analyzed them with the two methods of the flowcharting and mathematical analysis, we found the obstructive factors in operation. As the result of this research, it was gained the new system as the alternative one. A. Alternative System B. Advantages of alternative systems 1. In the reference room When it converts the present system into the new system, it can profit 6.771 won/user (13.815won-7.044won=6.771 won). Therefore, a half the average required cost of the present system can be saved. If this saving would be alloted for the cost 33,000won required to make the cataloging cards, it would be taken for 94 days (33,000 won <TEX>${\div}$</TEX> 6,771 won/user=4,874users. 4,874users <TEX>${\div}$</TEX> 52users/day=94days) to get it. The saving cost/year by the new system will be 95,417 won, and in the first year the initial cost (33,000won) reduces the saving cost to 62,417won. 2. In the periodical room The average required time for using the materials of the present system is 17 minutes/user and the average required cost/user is 23.775won, while the average required time of the new system is 4 minutes and the average required cost/user is 5.33won. Therefore, the new system has profit 4 times of the present system. Accordingly, it occurs when the dispersed periodical materials get together. 3. In the classification and cataloging When one processes - the oriental books - by the Linear Programming Technique, the maximum of the process can be increased from 11.6 volumes per librarian of the present system to 12 volumes per librarian of the new system increased 0.4 volume in a day, and cataloging by the manual printer can be shorten from 3 minutes per card of the present system to 1.5 minutes per card of the new system. Consequently, we can complete the other operations (books equipment, updating of cataloging cards, etc.) with 141 minutes which are saved in the course of the afore-mentioned works. 4. In the status of collections The average growth rate of 4 years from 1968 to 1971 is 9.825 %, and that of the purchased materials is 6.2% similar to the advanced nations, but it has the different position from 215,000 volumes by the Standard Degree for Establishment of College and University, and the difference between the total collections 151,671 volumes and Dunns' growth model (<TEX>$N_t=N_oe^{-at}$</TEX>) claimed by Leimkuhler 155,297 volumes in 1971 is 3,626 volumes, and for the purpose of compensation the difference, we found the fact that it needs to have the increased budget of 24~30% per year, Thus, if the budget of 24~30 % per year. Thus, if the budget would be increased per year as the rate of the afore-mentioned figure, it would be reached at the Standard Degree for Establishment of College and University in 1975, and thereafter, it can be decreased to the lebel which is able to maintain the growth rate of 5~6% per year.

김전배() pp.211-235


A. The principal geographical descriptions compiled by the government during Yi dynasty started from the Shinchan-Paldo-Chiriji(新撰八道地理志) which was compiled by the royal decree in the sixth year (1424) of King Sejong(世宗) and it ended in the Jungbo-Munhonbiko(增補文獻備考) which was published in the second year(1908) of Yunghyi(隆熙). The process of their compilations can be divided into four steps according to the compilatory work's contents of the principal geographical descriptions which were compiled through the Yi dynasty. We can say that the first step (1424-1454) of those works began at the date of the compilation of the Shinchan-Paldochiriji and it ended in the date of the compilation of the "Sejongsilok-Chiriji"(世宗實錄地理志), and during that period the Kyonsangdo-Chiriji(慶尙道地理志) was published. In the second step(1455-1531), were published the Paldochiriji,(八道地理志), Kyongsangdosokchanchiriji(慶尙道續撰地理志), DonggukYojisungnam(東國與地勝覽) and the third step (1532-1769) began at the date of the compilation of the Dongguk-Munhonbiko(東國文獻備考) and it ended in the date of the publication of the Jungbo-Munhonbiko(東國文獻備考), and in that period the Jongjung-Munhonbiko(訂增文獻備考) was published. The works of compilation of the Eubjis in the period of King Kojong(高宗) came within the category of the fourth step. B. Generally speaking, the state geographical descriptions were composed of the regional data of the country which were collected and arranged. In other words, firstly, the Eubjis were compiled in each county, secondly, the Dojis(道誌) were compiled based upon the collections of all the Kunjis(郡誌), lastly, the government collected all the Dojis and compiled them into the state geographical descriptions. The Eubjis in the early days of Yi dynasty were compiled as the data for the compilation of the nation-wide geographical descriptions, but the Eubjis in the age of King Kojong were compiled as the administrative data. C. The main contents of the Eubjis were composed of the descriptions on the geography, history, industry, naval and military affairs, traffics, communication, administration, economy and society, and of the matters on the prose and poetry, persons of loyalty, historic remains, social customs and schools. Consequently, the above-mentioned data will be contributed to the study on the structures of the geography, history, economy, administration, education, naval and military affairs and traffics as well as the study on the literature, social customs and bibliography. Especially, they will be important data for the arrangement of cultural assets of our country. Furthermore, because the traditional study of national literature was centered around the study on the central government ignoring the study on the regional matters, the study of the Eubjis will be worthy of being valued.

박영준() pp.236-265


The study is to trace the origin of the Hongmunkwan ana discuss its development and roles assigned in each succeeding stages of the history. The Hongmunkwan lived a long life through Koryo and Yi dynasties. It was a multi-functioned institution designed as a royal library, an educational institution, and a political reference center. Prior to the Hongmunkwan, there were some established institution with similar functions to its ones during the Three-Kingdom Era. One of such kind was the Sungmunkwan(崇文館), which was eventually renamed the Hongmunkwan by King Songjong(成宗) of Koryo in 995, and a distinguished scholar-minister was appointed at the position of directorship for management of the now status-raised institution where state documents and books were housed. The Hongmunkwan experienced some reforms during its long life. In 1420, King Sejong(世宗) of Yi Dynasty founded the Jipyonjon(集賢殿) within the royal palace in place of the Hongmunkwan. The Jipyonjon was an innovated Hongmunkwan where many scriptures were stored and distinguished scholars and officials studied on them, sometimes delivering lectures to the king. King Sejo(世祖) abolished the Jipyonjon in his second year(1456) and reestablished the Hongmunkwan designed as a royal library in place of the former in his ninth year. King Songjong(成宗) in his 10th year (1479) of the reign, reformed the Yemunkwan(藝文館), which existed from the beginning of the Yi dynasty, by extending its functions and afterwards absorbed it into the Hongmunkwan together with the functions of the former Jibhyonjon which were included in the Yemunkwan. He founded another Yemunkwan which had the roles of drafings and descriptions of royal decrees. In the 10th year (1504) of Yonsankun(燕山君), the Hongmunkwan was abolished and instead of it the Jindokchong(進讀廳) was founded with less authority and functions. But shortly after that, King Jungjong(中宗) refounded the Hongmunkwan with the same scale, same authority and same functions as the former, one. As the Hongmunkwan also had a function of the royal library it collected and kept numerous books and writings in it. Some books and writings of the Hongmunkwan were composed of those which had been transmitted from the Koryo Dynasty and the others were composed of those which had been collected in the country or purchased by the trade with China in the Yi dynasty. Also newly-compiled important books in the country were reprinted and one of them were send to the Hongmunkwan. In the 8th year (1784) of King Jongjo(正祖), the history of the Hongmunkwan, entitled the Hongmunkwanji(弘文館志), was written and editioned by the royal decree and it was reeditioned the 7th year (1870) of King Kojong(高宗). The Hongmunkwan was absorbed into the Kyujanggak(奎章閣) in 1907.

신정원() pp.266-295


The purpose of this study is to make a contribution to the effective management of medical literature in Korean libraries and specifically to help to select medical books and periodicals by determining the value and life of medical literature by means of citation counting and analysis. This report will present methods of calculation and data collection to measure the importance, half life of medical literature and the authority of author for Korean medical libraries. The writer conducted comparative studies based on data covering a two-year period, 1970-1971, using about 16,899 citations in 1,032 articles of the above journals. The references and citations are counted and analyzed by the number of authors, periodicals. books and publication dates. By the following ratio. calculated by the citation counting and analysis, we can decide the rates of medical periodicals to books, foreign literature to domestic literature and literature of the most numerously cited. authors, for the selecting method of Korean Medical libraries. (1) It is disclosed that 61 main authors are cited 9 times. Most of them are Western authors, they are cited 14,374 times which represents 88.6 % of the total citations. (2) The cited medical literature is classified as follows: The ratio of cited medical periodicals to the cited medical books is 82.0%. (The books at a rate of 18.0%.) Therefore, the wnter concentrated the efforts on the analysis of periodicals. (3) Classification of the periodicals by countries indicates that about 11.2% of total citations are made from Korean medical literature. The medical activities in Korea are dependent on the advanced foreign countries at ratio of 88.8%. Of the foreign medical periodicals cited, Japanese literature represents only 4.5% while literature of European countries and America constitutes 84.3%. (4) If medical journals are arranged in order of decreasing productivity of articles on a given subject, they may be revealed that it is necessary to have 98 titles of key journals to cover 60% of information in the field of medical science and 60 titles for an average of 50%. (5) For the purpose of measuring the life of medical literature in Korea, the writer has calculated the half lives of periodicals and books as follows: Kinds of Literature 1. Periodicals 2. Books 3. Whole literature Half-lives 7.75 years 4.11 years 6.37 years (6) The half lives of domestic and Japanese literature in the medical science are comparatively short.
