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  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


최성진(성균관대학교 문헌정보학과) pp.5-22

1984년에 발행된 本誌 第6輯에 필자는 당시의 한국초록서비스의 技術現況에 대하여 조사한 결과를 발표한 바 있다. 그로부터 10년이 지난 금년에 필자는 다시 類似한 範圍와 內容의 조사를 행하여 한국초록서비스의 變化 또는 발전의 實相을 밝혀 보려고 한다. 금년 조사의 실제적 意圖는 초록서비스의 주요 道具인 이 나라 초록지의 발전과정을 10년이라는 비교적 긴 기간에 걸쳐서 觀察하고 그 持續的 특성이 어떤 것인지를 定義하려는 데 있다. 한 나라 초록지의 일반적 특성을 어느 해에 實行한 한번의 조사결과에 기초하여 定義하기는 어렵다. 韓國抄錄서비스의 기술현황을 조사한 결과 부분은 금년 여름 "한국문헌정보학회지" 발표하였으므로(최성진, 1994) 여기서는 지난 10년 동안에 관찰된 한국초록지의 일반적 특성에 대해서만 制限的으로 살펴보려고 한다. 그러나 本稿의 論議가 대부분 위의 記事와 같은 資料에 根據한 것이므로 그것을 참고하면 이해에 도움이 될 것이다. 硏究開發投資가 해마다 증가하여 최근 한국에는 많은 연구보고문헌 이 생산 축적되고 있지만 그것을 각분야 연구자와 기술자들에게 신속히 알려서 효과적으로 이용하게 해야 할 초록지는 그 種數도 적고 내용 또한 贊弱한 형편이다. 한국초록지의 내용을 충실히 하고 이용자 들에게 硏究速報媒體로서 더 유용하게 하려면 먼저 그 일반적 특성이 어떤 것이며 長點과 短點은 어떤 것인지를 定義할 필요가 있다. 本稿는 그러한 定義를 試圖하려는 것이다. 情報奉仕는 그것을 출현시킨 국가의 전통과 관습에 따라 조금씩 다른 모양으로 발전한다. 결과적으로 각국의 정보봉사나 그 도구인 초록지의 형태에도 多少間에 差異가 나타난다. 本稿는 그러한 觀點에서 世界의 普遍的 抄錄誌 形態에서 벗어나는 韓國抄錄誌의 特性을 밝히는 데 論議를 集中시키려고 한다.


This paper attempts to define some general characteristics of the Abstracting Journals published in Korea as evidenced in those published during last ten years. This purpose is achieved by comparing the results of the two studies conducted by the author in 1984 and in 1994. Both studies were conducted to present the state of the art in the abstracting services in Korea. The major conclusions made in this paper are summarised as follows: (1) Researchers and professionals working in a small number of subject fields are benefited by the abstracting journals, which provide current-awareness services of recent achievements in research and development in Korea. Those in most of the fields have no abstracting journals of their own, and naturally they have no substantial abstract-ing services. Even many researchers and professionals in the fields that have some abstracting journals are not informed of research results in their fields because the abstracting journals are scattered in many narrow subjects and in many cases, the abstracting journals only cover publications in some specific forms and kinds. (2) Abstracting journals that cover more than two subject fields, which are supposed to be of more or less help to the researchers and professionals in the subject fields that have no abstracting journals published in their fields, have rapidly increased in number in the past ten years. Most of suh abstracting journals carry thesis and dissertation abstracts, and the rest, those of research papers published in specific places, in specific forms, by specific institutions, and of reports of research projects sponsored by specific foundations. These abstracting journals are not of the kind that comprehensively provide researchers in related fields with current awareness of publications of research results in Korea. (3) Most of the abstracting Journals existing in Korea are Published by institutions of higher education and research institutes, and the rest, by commercial publishers, industrial firms, libraries, information centres, government agencies, research foundations, learned societies, etc. Those which publish many titles are small in number and those publish one or two titles are large in number. The former is largely made up of institutions of higher education and research institutes. (4) The abstracting journals published in Korea are classified by type into those of dissertations, research papers, journal articles, patent specifications in that descending order. The fact that Master; and doctoral dissertation abstracts ate dominating in Korea is due to the irrational practice of publishing those abstracts at many different institutions. (5) Most of the abstracting journals existing in Korea are published by national or government-supported research institutes in order to publicise their own research outputs. Their coverage of literature is normally narrow, and naturally their value to users is limited. (6) Korean is the desirable language for the abstracting journals intended to be distributed within Korea. About half of the abstracting jornals published in Korea is printed in Korean and the other half, in foreign languages, and in Korean and in foreign languages together. All the abstracting journals in foreign languages are printed in English except one, which is printed in Japanese. (7) Some twenty per cent of the abstracting journals in Korea is published monthly, bimonthly, and quarterly. The others are published annually, biannually and irregularly. The latter may not function properly as a current-awareness tool due to long intervals between their issues. It is particularly undesirable that about half of the abstracting journals in Korea is published irregularly. Most of the abstracting journals published in Korea are distributed freely to individuals and institutions selected by the publishers. (8) The abstracting journals published by the use of computers increased drastically in the past ten years. The abstracting j

정진식(한성대학교 문헌정보학과) pp.23-41


The purpose of the present study is to verify the citation trend of the administrative literature in the research papers. I have analyzed the cited literature of major domains and the dependency of domestic literature and foreign literature. In Addition, the half period of literature investigate. And results of this study is to provide information services with own institutes and reference materials.

김창근(한국과학기술원 전산계산소) pp.43-101


In this study all kinds of Library Associations in Korea counted as Library Coperatives are surveyed under the categories of their collaborative activities as well historical developments. The results of this study are as follow : 1) The library cooperatives which have more working personnel are carrying out interlibrary cooperations more effectively, than those which have fewer working personnel. 2) The library cooperatives operating with established and realizable regulations or rules are more progressive in interlibrary cooperations than those operating with traditional practices or customary rules. 3) The library cooperatives with executing committee appear to be more progressive in interlibrary cooperations than those without it. 4) Both updating frequency of union catalog or union list and publishing intervals of supplementary editions are proved to be an important factor affecting the effectiveness of interlibrary cooperations. 5) Three of library cooperatives are employing the systems for payment of information provisions in interlibrary cooperations but the other library cooperatives are employing no payment systems, or not following such systems. By the results, six kinds of suggestions to improve the activities of korean library cooperatives have been expressed.

강순애(한양대학교 문헌정보학과) pp.103-146


Koryokukshinjodaechangkyochongbyollock is an epoch-making catalogue for historical study of proofing Buddhist scriptures in Korea. This bibliography was appended to the 30 volumes which was corrected in 70 Ham, 66 scriptures, and 79 cases. Comparing the differences between the first carved Tripitaka' s texts in Korea, texts made in the Sung dynasty, and the Kitan's texts, this catalogue discovered the name of scriptures, translators, volume number, the changed am order as well as omission, defaults, mistranslation of the Tripitaka made in the Sung dynasty. From Chon-ham to Young-ham, 480 sets among Kaewon-sokkyorock and 43 sets among Chongwonrock were correctly laid. Songshinyokkyong and the Sung Emperor, T'ai Tsung's statements were excluded. Even though it was possible to get these scriptures only by import from Sung, these imported scriptures had no reason to be proofed because of their new version and the author's direct selection in Sung. Shinchipchangkyon-geumeuisuhamlock has no authentic Sung's and Koryo's text books for correction. kyochongbyollock delivered the scriptures listed on Kudaechangmoklock, which gives an important clue to research transformation from the first to the second carved Tripitaka. Through the systematic study of the transformated facts beteween the first carved Tripitaka and the second one, This study would help rebulid the original Chojodaechan-gkynng which has been not yet perfectly discovered itself.

김선호(대구대학교 문헌정보학과) pp.147-169


The study is to assist system developers or designers who are participated in the design of the user-computer interface on online services such as Online Public Access Catalogue and Online Search-ins. To design the optimal user interface, system developers and designers should try to complete the following process orderly: 1) they should know and understand the active and potential user's information seeking behaviors concerning online services in details as possible. 2) they should design the conceptional user model on basis of that knowledge. 3)They should design the logical and hierachical computer model adaptable to the current environment. 4) they should design the display of the computer terminal which is ease to learn and use by the users. 5) finally, they should design the optimal and practical user inter-face on basis of the above 2, 3, and 4.

이상복(동덕여대 문헌정보학과) pp.171-192


End-user Computing(EUC) is one of the significant developments of the 1980s with the explosive supply of personal computers and application software related to it. EUC can be defined as the direct assumption of system development and data processing tasks by the user of the service for his own direct benefit. This is in contrast to the traditional approach to computing in which user requirement are identified and defined and then turned over to professional system designers and programmers for implementation, with the end-user a relatively passive participant in the process. The traditional approach to system development has two obvious drawbacks. First, there is the problem that something may be lost in translation of the problem as originally formulated by the requestor and as it is implemented by the computer specialists. Second, there is the problem that it can take a longtime as growth of significant workloads within system department staff. EUC is an attempt to compensate for this drawbacks associated with the traditional system department process. It permits the end-user to interact directly with an information system, utilizing user friendly software support tools. End-user Searching(EUS) can be defined as accessing online databases and performing search operations for the purpose of finding information to be used by that same person rather than another, in contract with intermediary searcher. The concept of EUS is related to the concept of EUS. That is, two concept are similarly to development background, effects and functions. Therefore, as EUC bring on a change the traditional data processing environment, EUS also bring on a change the traditional intermediary search environment.

고영만(성균관대학교 문헌정보학과) pp.193-230


The systematic classification of database is much debated issue currently in telecommunication industry. Nevertheless, the attempt to build the systematic model is nowadays nowhere to be found. The purpose of this study is to gain a general overview relating to this subject and to make out a draft for the development of standard model. Relating th the study for the databases classification, it was classified from the 9 points of view: manufacturer, subject, processed form (level), (re)presented form, language, completion state and updating cycle, retrieval method, communication media, and use.

이명희(성균관대학교 사서교육원) pp.231-246


A major problem for information retrieval research in the past three decades has been methodology, even though some progress has been made in obtaining useful results from methodologically sound experiments. Within a methodology, potential problems include artificial data generated by the researcher, small sample size interpretation of findings. Critics have pointed out that some room exists for improving methodology of information retrieval research; using existing data, having big enough sample size, including large numbers of search queries, introducing more control in relation to variables, utilizing more appropriate performance measures, conducting rests carefully and evaluating findings properly. Relevance judgments depend entirely on the perception of the user and on the situation of the moment. In an experiment, the best judge of relevance is a user with a well defined information need. Normally more than two categories for relevance judgments are desirable becase there are degrees of relevance. In experimental design, careful control of variables is meeded for internal validity. When no single database exists for comparison, existing operational databases should be used cautiously, Careful control for the variations of search queries, inter-searcher sonsistency, intra-searcher consistency and search strategies is necessary. Parametric statistics requiring rigid assumptions are not appropriate in information retrieval research and non-parametric statistics requiring few assumptions are necessary. Particularly, the sign test and the Wilcoxon test are good alternatives.

김상호(대구대학교 문헌정보학과) pp.247-262


This study is concerned with analysis of all the reviews published by the reviewing periodicals, The Book Review Culture and The Korean Publishing Journal, from 1991 to 1993. The result of analysis for 736 reviews are followed: 1) The percentage of reviews in the field of philosophy & religion, literature & language, science & technology is lower than the percent-age of books published. But in the field of history and social science the reviewing is proportionately higher than the publishing. 2) Book reviews are prepared by professors, literary reviewers, researchers, and experts in the particular subject field except librarian. 3) Basic elements of reviewing are the career and view point of author, trends of suject field, content, value, omissions, limitations, and format of book, reader's level, etc. Ideal method of book criticism may be summarized as follows: 1) The criterion of book selection are the book's value, the social . demand, and the proportion of titles published. 2) For the unbiased criticism, it should be written by the experienced librarian rather than the experts of particular subject field. 3) Book criticism need to provide not only guide to new books but also interpretation and evaluation about each book for its reader.

홍기철(동덕여대 문헌정보학과) pp.263-292


The purpose of this study is to investigate of differences on the viewpoint of value, job aspiration, job attitude between male and female librarians. The objects of survey are 60 librarians at National Assembly Library. The results of the survey are as follows 1) In general, librarians have advanced propensity on viewpoint of value. But female librarians appear more traditional propensity than male librarians 2) Generally, the ranking of core factors in job aspiration appears ① realise professional value, ② self confidence in occupation, ③ recognized by specialist. On this, female librarians come out ① self confidence in occupation ② realise professional value, ③ recognized by specialist. 3) Generally, librarians appear more conservative attitude than male librarians about indirect service in library

이근봉(한국조세연구원) pp.293-317


The Purpose of this study is to verify the effect of the searcher's subject background on the result of online database searches. To achieve this purpose, an experimental method was adopted. 180 students performed online searches in the three different libraries chosen for this study. The subjects were classified into two groups according to the scores of the test. Data concerning processes, behavior, and results of the searches performed by the subjects in real situations were gathered. Immediately following the searches, the extent of their subject background were assessed through interview. The search effect consists of the 4 elements: search efficiency (the number of terms used per unit time), the number of relevant documents, the number of relevant documents per unit time, precision ratio. The major findings of this study are summarized as belows. 1. The searchers with strong subject background has significantly higher efficiency in searches made. Group A (of those with strong subject back-ground) use more search terms per unit time than Group B (of those with weak subject background) do. 2. In the searches made by those with strong subject background, more relevant documents art retrieved. 3. In the searches made by those with strong subject background, more relevant documents per unit time are retrieved. 4. The searchers with strong subject background has significantly higher precision ratio in searches made. In the searches made by those with strong subject background, more relevant documents of documents retrieved are retrieved.

노동조(성균관대학교 부설 한국사서교육원) pp.319-351


This rearch is a case study for the newspaper libraries in Seoul and the primary purpose of the this study are to investigate its document delivery capability. To achieve the above-mentioned purpose, representative rsers visited seven the newspaper library and checked their searching time. Document delivery capability was checked by units of hour, minute, second(searching time). Retrieval effectiveness was tested through the recall ratio and the precision ratio. The major findings of the study are summarized as follows: 1) Most of the newspaper libraries excellent to the document delivery capability; 6 newspaper libraries deliverived the data related subject. 2) The newspaper libraries were came out 50.1% the mean recall ratio and 84.8% the mean precision ratio about the all materials. 3) Concerned their own articles, the newspaper libraries showed 71.4% the recall ratio and 90.0% the precision ratio. That moaned their own articles were more effectived than others. 4) The Kookmin Ilbo library had the most excellent system, and the precision ratio of The Dong-A Ilbo library prior to the recall ratio. The Han Kyoreh Shinmun library had a excellent arragement in own articles, but The Segye Times library had problem in every parties.

Kim, Mi-hyeon(Florida State University Library and Information Science) pp.353-371
