This thesis is to study the change in the information gathering system and the management of the technical cooperation. It is on urgent business for an enterprise or a preson to get proper information in modern information flood. To come up with the developed countinues it need to estimate the current world economice condition and to investigate the world economice circumstances. By this investigation we can establish a strategy to get necessary information. Information management will be needed to deal with the flooding new infermations.
This paper examines the characteristics of 23 libraries affiliated with educational institutions of the Korean miltary. Materials and data used in this analysis were obtained from a variety of statute books, Korean Library Association publications, past works in military-related research, questionnaires and interviews with library staff. For each military educational institutions, the background to its foundation and Its current operations are briefly reviewed. Library characteristics subjected to analysis pertain to the following 8 areas: location and architecture, stack arrangement, furniture and furnishings, personnel, service elements, budget, book stock, and extent of computerization. The affiliated library (consisting of reading rooms and/or stack rooms) is then classified as belonging to one of the following three levels: graduate-school level (total of 4 libraries), university level (5 libraries), and technical-school level (14 libraries). When necessary. particular libraries are examined in detail. This research reveals that while most graduate-school and university level libraries are being operated on a relatively sound basis, there are significant disparities among university level libraries. As for technical-school level libraries, the lack of professional staff and service elements for users is seriously impairing their operations. In order to address these problems and support military education and research in the age of segyehwa and information, it is suggested that the Korean military formulate comprehensive measures to modernize library facilities and improve their operations.
In the so-called “information society,”the information service function of public libraries is gaining an increasing importance. In order to meet the growing demand for educational information, the Korean government established the Center for Educational Multimedia Research and Development and opened in 1996 the EDUNET as a comprchensive educational information network. In this context, public libraries as social education institutions are expected to provide educational information services by utilizing the EDUNET information resources. The availability of EDUNET will even increase when the librarians assist users with systematic information search services, and digitalize printed materials in the library. For this purpose, it is necessary for them to accommodate new information technologies and, thereby, to raise the level of information services up to that of their users’needs by enhancing the librarians’expertise in helping users search information effectively. In this end, we suggest a financial decision be made to build an oversea educational information exchange system.
This study proves that the quoted legal text functions as the index which represents the contents of the text because of the characteristics of legal information, the automatic indexing in the secondary legal full-text databases can be possible without the assitance of the experts. In case of the establishment, amendment or repealing of law, change of words of index can be possible through revising the legal text quoted in the secondary legal full-text databases. Even when we dont input the full-text about retrospective documents, automatic indexing is also possible, and the establihment and the practice of expert knowledge and integrated databases are possible in case of the retrospective documents. This study indicates that it is necessary to have characteristic information the information experts recognize - that is to say, experimental and inherent knowledge only human being can have - built-in into the system rather than to approach the information system by the linguistic, statistic or structuralistic way, and it can be more essential and intelligent information system.
The purpose of this study Is to recommand all kinds of library in Korea to develop a disaster plan. The materials in the library are apt to get damaged at once by such disasters as fire or flood etc. It is fortunate that we Have not found any big disaster at libraries in Korean. considering many cases of big disaster which distroy materials at library in foreign countries. In spite of the posibility of disaster any time, that will make librry loss of function, there are no library that have a disaster plan in Korea. Disaster plan is a guidance by which materials are conserved at ordinary times, protected and recoverd in contingency. It consists by four elements: prevention, preparedness, reaction and recovery. As libraries function by biblogrophic data and user data in automation system, it is also recommended to prepare system protection in the disaster plan.
1. Only 6 libraries(23.1%) among 26 surveyed libraries have a person or part in charge of continuing education. It means that the method to select education program and education object is systemless. The 19 libraries (73.1%) encourage continuing education of librarian. 2. Compared with the group who didn't receive a formal education, the group who received have a high degree in the grade of confidence, self-satisfaction and ability for job in Internet education case. And the group that received a formal education have also a high degree in the grade of ability for job in OA education case. Confidence, self-satisfaction for job in the carreer is significantly different according to the formal education in Internet education case and OA education case. Confidence, self-satisfaction and ability for Sob in the scholarship are significantly different according to the formal education in internet and computer OA education case 3. Compared with the group that didn't receive periodical education the group that received periodical education have a high degree in the grade of confidence, self-satisfaction for Job in internet education case. Confidence, self-satisfaction and ability for job in the carreer are significantly different according to the periodical education in OA education case. Confidence, self-satisfaction and ability for businessin in the scholarship are significantly different according to the periodical education in internet and OA education case. 4. Compared with the group that didn't receive self-education the group that received self-education have a high degree in the grade of confidence, self-satisfaction and ability for job in internet and OA education case. Confidence, self-satisfaction and ability for Job in the carreer are significantly different according to the self education in internet and OA education case. Confidence, self-satisfaction and ability for Job in the scholarship are significantly different according to the self-education in internet and OA education case.
The purpose of this study Is to verify relationship between leadership styles ( consideration leadership and Initiating structure leadership) and Job satisfaction In university libraries. The conclusions in this study are summarized as follows: 1. Correlations between leadership styles and job satisfaction are positive. Consideration leadership is higher correlation than initiating structure leadership. 2. Leadership styles have affected on Job satis-faction (promotion, task, salary, superior, fellow) differently. Consideration leadership is higher influenced than initiating structure leadership except satisfaction of task. 3. It is no difference that leadership styles have affected on job satisfaction by a characteristic(sex, school career, librarian's license) of person. As consideration leadership is higher correlation and influence than initiating structure leadership, leader should have done consideration leadership and then library's staffs can get job satisfaction in order to achieve job satisfaction, leader had better show consideration leadership regardless of sex. school career and librarian's license. leadership styles have influenced Job satisfaction differently. It shows indirectly that library's staffs are not discriminated by sex, school career and librarian's license.
The main purpose of this study is ① to settle and to analyze the classification of the Internet Search Engine comparitively, and ② to build the compatible model of Internet Search Engine classification in order to seek information on the Internet resources. specially in the branch of the Computers and Internet areas. For this study, four Internet Search Engine (Excite, 1-Detect, Simmany, Yahoo Korea!), Inspec Classification and two distionaries were used. The major findings and result of analysis are summarized as follows : 1. The basis of the classification is the scope of topics, the system logic, the clearness, the efficiency. 2. The scope of topics is analyzed comparitively by the number of items from each Search Engine. In the result, Excite is the most superior of the four 3. The system logic is analyzed comparitively by the casuality balance and consistency of the items from each Search Engine. In the result, Excite is the most superior of the four 4. The clearness is analyzed comparitively by the clearness and accuracy of items, the recognition of the searchers. In the result, Excite is the most superior of the four. 5 The efficiency is analyzed comparitively by the exactness of indexing and decreasing the effort of the searchers. In the result, Yahoo Korea! is the most superior of the four. 6 The compatible model of Internet Search Engine classification is estavlished to uplift the scope of topics, the system logic, the clearness, and the efficiency. The model divides the area mainly based upon the topics and resources using‘bookmark’and‘shadow’concept.