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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study attempted to identify factors associated with mentally ill people's rehabilitation motivation and also examined the relationship between rehabilitation motivation and rehabilitation outcome for the mentally ill. The study participants were 415 mentally ill individuals. There were 207 subjects who were high in rehabilitation motivation and 208 subjects who were low in rehabilitation motivation. The analysis revealed that insight, level of education, support from agency staff and the level of assistance from the agency were significantly associated with rehabilitation motivation for the mentally ill. The results of the analyses were as follows; First, the two groups did not reveal any statistical differences in terms of rehospitalization rate. Second, the group with high rehabilitation motivation reported significantly higher scores in the total score of functioning level than the other group. Third, the high rehabilitation motivation group reported significantly higher scores in the total score of quality of life scale than low rehabilitation motivation. Fourth, compared to low rehabilitation motivation group, high rehabilitation motivation group reported significantly higher score in the total score of occupational exploration efficacy scale. These results indicated that high in rehabilitation motivation has a positive impact on the mentally ill people's functioning level, quality of life, and occupational exploration efficacy. Implications of the research findings were discussed.
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