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Sex Offender Recidivism Follow-Up Study: Focus on the KSORAS


The purpose of this study was to verify the predictive validity of KSORAS(Korean Sex Offender Risk Assessment Scale) which was developed in 2008. This study conducted follow-up recidivism of 745 sex offenders from the sample of the study 2 of the development study in 2008. Finally, 529 of the sample was analyzed. At the end of the follow-up period, 10.6% of the offenders had been reoffended any new sex offence. The survival rate of the high risk offenders(total score 13 and above) was significantly lower than that of the low risk offenders(total score 12 and below). Also, as the result of survival analysis, the cutoff-score 13 had the best significant difference between the high risk group and low risk group. These results support the fact that the cutoff-score 13 is valid to discriminate between high and low risk sex offenders.

한국성범죄자위험성평가척도(KSORAS), 재범, 위험성 평가, 성범죄자, 생존분석, Korean Sex Offender Risk Assessment Scale, KSORAS, recidivism, risk assessment, sex offenders, Survival Analysis
