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The comparison of polygraph results with legal decisions depending on test components: A field study in the Korean Prosecutors' Office


Recent trends in the criminal cases without convincing evidence have shown to increase. Consequently, the demand for polygraph examinations to verify the statements offered by conflicting parties has been simultaneously growing. Yet, unfortunately, previous studies rarely focus on the factors that may influence the polygraph results which often proceed to affect legal decisions. Thus, this study compared polygraph test results with prosecutions and court decisions, and offered to provide comprehensive information on the factors related to polygraph, which have shown to influence the agreement rate between the polygraph results and legal decisions. The data used for this research was from examinations of 6,273 cases and 8,609 subjects; these tests were administered in the Korean prosecutors’ offices during 2009 to 2012. Results suggested that the likelihood of drawing a conclusive result differed as a function of the polygraph testing method; a conclusive result was more likely when examinations were done in the paired-testing method compared to the single-testing method. In terms of the overall agreement rate between the polygraph results and the prosecutors’ indictments, 78.6% were in agreement and this rate was significantly affected by the crime and the type of indictment. However, demographic factors such as sex, age and legal status did not influence the overall rate. The analysis for comparing the polygraph test results with the court decisions demonstrated that 83.6% were in agreement. More specifically, the rate of the examiners correctly judging the convicted suspects as guilty in the polygraph tests was as high as 90.8%. This study is the first to use a field data to investigate the factors that are related to polygraph and their effect on legal decisions. The findings will be a significant endeavor in promoting the accuracy of polygraph testing in legal procedure.

Polygraph, lie-detection, lying, deception, comparison question technique(CQT), 폴리그래프, 거짓말탐지, 거짓말, 속임수, 비교질문검사



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