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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
We use language to define laws and norms which serve to keep our society safe. However, the people who are to obey the laws, are often reported in studies to experience difficulties in understanding the meaning of the laws because of legal jargon and expressions. The courts in the United States and the EU nations have long been aware of such difficulties that the general public faces, and have sought to promote a greater understanding of legal texts These efforts have recently started in Korea as well. This study was performed in order to investigate the effectiveness of these various attempts to write more readable legal texts both in Korea and abroad. We compared ‘written judgments including legal terms and legal sentences’ and ‘scientific and artistic texts including jargons’ in 6 areas: ‘clarity of the issue’, ‘brevity’, ‘ease of understanding the content’, ‘ease of understanding the terms’, ‘suitability of the length of the sentences’, and ‘suitability of the length of paragraphs’, for the college students. The results showed that the attempts to improve legal terms and legal sentences were effective; however, the subjects still viewed the suitability of the length of sentences and paragraphs as inferior to other texts. Therefore, more systematic and specific improvements need to be made in this area, and we should conduct empirical studies in order to verify the effectiveness of these changes. Possible suggestions were proposed in the general discussion.
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