ISSN : 2093-3843
This study was to examine whether the influence of perfectionism on the assessment of the target person';s responsibility is moderated by the target person's control of the situation. Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale(Hewitt & Flett, 1991) was administered to 123 college(graduate) students and 45 adults. Assessment of responsibility for a problem and that for a solution were each measured with 5 scenarios of accidents in which the target person either had or didn't have some control over the happening of the accident. The results of linear regression analysis showed significant interaction effects of the participant’s perfectionism and the target person's controllability on the assessment of responsibility for a solution. In the assessment of responsibility for a solution, the group that is high on both the self-oriented and other oriented perfectionism assessed more responsibility for the damages to the target person than other groups of different combinations of the self- and the other-oriented perfectionisms. The implications of the results were discussed for the judges' and jurors' judgments for legal disputes.
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