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A study of Psychopathic Tendency and Rating of Painful Stimuli: Focusing on Empathy


This study investigated the empathy ability of individuals with psychopathic tendencies. Subjects rated pain intensity of visual stimuli(painful/neutral) consisted of pictures and cartoons. Two different perspectives were manipulated through explicit instructions: the subject's own perspective (Self), and other's perspective (Other). After the rating task, subjects completed self-reported measures of psychopathy and an empathy scale. According to the results, the empathy ability of the group with psychopathic tendencies was lower than the empathy ability of the group with non-psychopathic tendencies. On the rating task, the group with non-psychopathic tendencies was higher than the group with psychopathic tendencies in the pain rating scale. In self perspective condition, the group with psychopathic tendencies evaluated higher pain intensity of neutral stimuli than the group with non-psychopathic tendencies. These findings support that psychopaths appear to lack empathy. Due to the fact that the subjects of this study were university students, it has its limitations when it is generalized. However it will serve the role as the fundamental research, allowing further tools and scales to be created upon. We further discussed the practical implications of the present findings.

Psychopathic Tendency, Empathy, visual stimuli, Perspective-taking, Pain, 정신병질 경향성, 공감, 시각자극, 조망수용, 고통



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