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The Utilization of Statement Analysis in Korea: A Comparison with the Western Europe Countries


This study compared the procedure of statement analysis and the present state of its utilization in Korea with those in three Western Europe countries, Germany, Sweden, and Swiss. In order to investigate the specific procedure of statement analysis and the different state of the utilization in each country, literature was reviewed and in-depth interview was conducted with each country’s experts who have been currently working in both practical/academic field of statement analysis. Generally, in the Western Europe countries, the courts have expert lists and the experts would be requested to conduct statement analysis of a witness by the court or a party of the trial. In Korea, statement analysis could be conducted in any stage of criminal procedure. In Germany and Sweden, an expert’s testimony based on his/her statement analysis for a witness is admissible to the courts, which is the most distinctive feature in comparison to the statement analysis expert’s testimony in Swiss and Korea. An expert’s opinion is regarded as only one piece of information for criminal investigation or trial. German and Swiss courts have the minimum standards for admissible expert’s report. In Sweden, there is a scientific assessment tool, Structured Quality assessment of eXpert witness testimony (SQX-12) that would allow triers of fact to assess the quality of expert report, while no such instrument or standard have developed in Korea. On the basis of the comparison, the four ways to improve the procedural validity and the utilization of statement analysis in Korea were suggested. As these suggestions would effectively strengthen the procedural validity of statement analysis and expand the utilizability of its result in Korea, it ought to be considered as significant information in the future policy making.

statement analysis, expert’s report, admissibility of evidence, present state of utilization, comparison study, 진술분석, 전문가 의견서, 증거능력, 활용 현황, 비교연구



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