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Rater Training and Experience in Psychopathy Checklist Research Studies


A significant body of research have been published to support the predictive validity of psychopathy measures. But most PCL studies have not focused on the raters scoring these psychopathy measures. This study coded how often and what information was provided regarding raters who scored the psychopathy measures in 61 published PCL studies. Our findings are noteworthy for demonstrating that PCL studies have been less likely provide information about the raters using psychopathy measures to readers. Specifically, most of PCL studies did not provide any information about who scored the PCL, the rater’s level of training or experiences regarding risk assessment. Future study implication includes exploring the effect of rater’s training, experiences, and characteristics on variability on psychopathy measures enhance risk assessment practice in clinical and forensic settings.

Psychopathy Checklist, PCL-R, risk assessment, clinical experience, training, 사이코패시, PCL-R, 위험성 평가, 평가자, 임상 경험



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