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Continuous line between rape and fornication Reasons why women ‘refused or was silent’ on the surface


This study was attempted to make a more concrete understanding of the debate about ‘rape and fornication’ between men and women in sexual violence trials which is most controversial between men and women. In this research, we can see that there is a difference in sexual communication between men and women. For example, in the case of women wanting sexual behavior but refuse apparently, there was a tendency for men to think ‘manipulation for sexual leadership’, ‘concern of sexual reputation’ as it’s reasons, whereas, women considered ‘lacking of sexual interaction’, ‘prenatal purity consciousness’, ‘realistic problem’ as reasons. Also, women were more likely to think that ‘oppressive sex’ was the reason for being silent when not wanting sexual behavior. This implies that there can be mistakes or misunderstandings in sexual communication between men and women. On the other hand, four factors were extracted as a result of examining the reason why women was silent although she didn’t want it. The factors were ‘oppressive sex’, ‘considerate sex’, ‘computational sex’, ‘embarrassed sex’. These factors are similar to those classified as agreeable sex, altruistic sex, conforming sex, rape and else on the continuous line between rape and fornication presented by Bart (1983). In other words, ‘oppressive’ can be seen as ‘rape’, ‘considerate sex’ as ‘altruistic sex’ and ‘computational sex’ as ‘conforming sex’. However, in this study, it was not clearly verified that the most powerful explanatory variable was sex in recognizing sexual behavior between rape and fornication in previous research

강간, 화간, 여성의 동의, 여성의 성적 의사소통, 여성의 거절 또는 침묵, Rape, fornication, women's consent, female sexual communication, female rejection or silence



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