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A Study on the Degree and Prediction of PTSD of Car Accident Offenders: Focus on Violation of Traffic Regulations and Criminal Penalties


The aim of this study is to measure the PTSD value for car accident offenders(N=274) that can be experienced after MVAs. This study is progressed to analysis of the degree of PTSD and degree for car accident offenders through criminal penalties and type of violations of traffic regulations using PCL-5(PTSD Checklist). In order to predict the PTSD of offenders multiple regression analysis was performed using demographic variables, car accident variables, traffic law violation related variables, criminal penalties related variables as independent variables, PTSD degree as dependent variables. As a result, the average PTSD of offenders was 21.48 points and the probable PTSD group accounted for 15.7% of the participants. There was no difference in the degree of PTSD among violations of traffic regulations, but the violation of pedestrian protection duty was the highest with 32.64 points. According to the type of criminal penalties, the degree of PTSD was significantly higher the case without sentenced criminal penalties than no criminal penalty. As a result of multiple regression analysis the predictors of the PTSD of the offenders were as follows: the severity of the physical damage of the victim, the type of criminal penalties, gender(female) and insurance to cover criminal penalty. And power of this regression model was 21.3%. Limitations of the current study and recommendations for future research are discussed.

교통사고, 가해운전자, PTSD, 교통법규위반, 형사처벌, car accident, offenders, PTSD, criminal penalties, violations of traffic regulations



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