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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
This study is aimed to investigate whether and how ego depletion influences making judgments objectively and judgments of punishment when evidences are presented in a serial manner. We hypothesized that the group of ego depletion would less deliberate on counter evidence and thus the group would give more judgments of guilty and heavier sentencing judgments than a control group would. 62 participants randomly were assigned to ego depletion group or control group. Consistent with our hypotheses, the results showed that the group of ego depletion less consider the evidences against prior arguments than the control group. More importantly, the group of ego depletion, compared with the control group, convinced the suspect of the crime more and gave heavier sentencing. In addition, we found that the extent of consideration for counter evidence mediated the effect of ego depletion on sentencing. These findings imply that the ego depletion could have effects on jurors’ decision-making process and their judgments. The limitations of the study and the suggestions for further research are discussed.
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