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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
This study began with a study of the usefulness of a two-factor model consisting of the internalized and externalized measures of PAI, which were found through the study of Ruiz and Edens (2008). Based on the previous study of Ruiz et al. (2008), we examined the internal structure of the PAI-A scales for Korean adolescents and verified them with 11 clinical scales and two additional measures of SUI Scale and AGG scales. For this purpose, aged 14 to 21 adolescents conducted PAI-A at a reformatory and a high school in Seoul. As a result, the cronbach's α value of the PAI-A total scale and the subscale was found to be generally adequate except for some scales. Results of correlation analysis of 13 scales, the similar scales showed a high correlation and the low relevant scales showed a low correlation. In exploratory factor analysis, the distinction between internalizing and externalizing factors in Korean adolescents was different from the of the two factor model of Ruiz et al. (2008). Moreover, the BOR and PAR scales of PAI were classified as externalizing scale, but the BOR and PAR scales of were classified as internalizing scale in PAI-A. In addition, confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the two - factor model was not suitable. These results indicate that the PAI two-factor model is not suitable for PAI-A results in Korean adolescents, and this study attempted to find a two-factor model suitable for Korean adolescents.
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