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  • P-ISSN1013-0799
  • E-ISSN2586-2073
  • KCI
Bo-il Kim(Hannam University) pp.1-22 https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2024.41.4.001

This study presents policy measures for the collection development of local collections within metropolitan representative libraries to establish a foundation for sustaining regional identity and transmitting local culture to future generations amid declining populations and the potential dissolution of regional communities. To this end, a legal review of collection development for regional materials, an examination of the current status of collection development for regional materials, and a survey of perceptions among officials at metropolitan representative libraries were conducted. The proposed policy measures include reinforcing the legal framework for collection development of local collections and refining the deposit system, establishing an open access (OA) repository to strengthen digital archiving and online accessibility for local collections, broadening the scope and diversity of local collection types, appointing specialists to support collection development and services related to local collections, and creating a cooperative framework with local communities to enhance the acquisition of local collections. By implementing these measures, metropolitan representative libraries can play a pivotal role in preserving and passing down the distinct history and culture of their regions to future generations, while also enhancing public services for the local community.

Hyunji Park(Chonnam National University) ; Juhyeon Park(Chonnam National University) pp.23-45 https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2024.41.4.023

This study is based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory to structure university library spaces, and aims to explore undergraduate student’s library usage experiences. A framework for university library spaces was developed using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, followed by a semi-structured survey of 18 undergraduate students to analyze their library usage experiences. The framework was organized library spaces based on Maslow’s hierarchy: (1) restrooms and dining areas for physiological needs, (2) lobbies, ELEV, staircases, and lockers for safety needs, (3) study and educational spaces for belonging needs, (4) reading rooms, multimedia areas, and study rooms for esteem needs, and (5) creative and exhibition spaces for self-actualization. As a result, it revealed frequent dissatisfaction and requests regarding library spaces based on a hierarchy of needs, leading to propose a step by step potential improvements.

Jae Yun Lee(Myongji University) pp.47-70 https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2024.41.4.047

This study aimed to measure the multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity of journals in the Interdisciplinary Research category of the Korea Citation Index (KCI) and analyze their relationships with journal citations. By analyzing 74 journals and using entropy to measure the diversity of referenced and citing fields, several key findings were observed. First, journals in the KCI Interdisciplinary Research category exhibited higher multidisciplinarity compared to general fields, but showed no significant difference in interdisciplinarity. Second, there was a weak correlation between a journal’s multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, and top-ranked journals in these areas did not overlap. Third, a journal’s multidisciplinarity was not related to its citation impact, while interdisciplinarity showed a strong correlation with citation impact. Fourth, both multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity significantly correlated with multidisciplinary impact, but only interdisciplinarity significantly correlated with interdisciplinary impact. Finally, an inverted U-shaped relationship was observed between multidisciplinary impact and interdisciplinary impact, suggesting that excessive multidisciplinarity may be undesirable. These results suggested that interdisciplinarity is distinct from merely the juxtaposition of multiple disciplines (multidisciplinarity). They also indicated that substantive interdisciplinary integration, rather than just encompassing diverse fields, is important for enhancing a journal’s citation impact.

Yong Min Lee(Yonsei University) ; Jee Yeon Lee(Yonsei University) pp.71-99 https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2024.41.4.071

Completing an information search task involves various cognitive activities, from recognizing the need for information to selecting and evaluating it. This study aims to explore and comprehensively analyze the difficulties university students encounter while performing information searches for academic tasks to determine whether these difficulties are related to cognitive barriers. In this context, ‘university students’ information search’ refers to searches conducted for assignments or research tasks rather than everyday information needs. A cognitive barrier is defined as an obstacle in the human cognitive process that prevents or delays access to information. Through literature review, in-depth interviews, data collection including scripts and videos, and qualitative content analysis, we explored the types and influencing factors of major cognitive barriers experienced by university students. The main cognitive barriers identified were lack of knowledge, insufficient search skills, insufficient awareness of information usability, and lack of subject knowledge. Dervin’s Sense-Making Approach was employed to analyze the factors that contribute to these cognitive barriers and present our findings. The study highlights the necessity of supporting university students in understanding the interconnectedness and usefulness of library digital resources and internet materials. Furthermore, it also suggests the need to develop information literacy strategies that recognise the gaps in information search skills and include them in the pre-university curriculum.

Kyunghan Oh(Jeonbuk National University) ; Geon Kim(Jeonbuk National University) pp.101-122 https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2024.41.4.101

This study aims to analyze the information needs and information-seeking behavior of foreign faculty members at Korean universities across different settlement stages. The research employed semi-structured interviews using the Critical Incident Technique(CIT) with eight foreign faculty members. Through interviews, the researcher examined information needs and information source utilization by dividing the settlement process into three stages: pre-departure, initial settlement, and current stage focusing on significant or challenging incidents at each stage. The findings revealed three key points. First, participants’ information needs evolved from general information about Korean culture, workplace, and daily life during pre-departure to more specific and personal needs based on individual interests in the current stage. Second, while foreign friends and colleagues served as crucial information sources, Korean experiences were necessary for specific matters such as children’s education and research grant applications. The presence of foreign networks also influenced the length of settlement periods. Third, language barriers, website accessibility issues, and workplace culture emerged as major obstacles in information seeking. This study is significant as it provides an in-depth analysis of foreign faculty members’ information needs and information-seeking behavior, suggesting improvements for information services dedicated to this group.

Soo-Kyoung Kim(Changwon Moonsung University) ; Sae-dang Park(Institute for Dyslexia and Literacy) ; Seon Hee Jae Gal(Daegu Metropolitan Bukbu Library) ; Woon Woo Lee(Changwon Moonsung University) ; Se-ho Park(Institute for Dyslexia and Literacy) pp.123-150 https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2024.41.4.123

The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of improving vocabulary and fluency by dividing it into an experimental group (Superbook class) and a control group (paper book) for 4th to 6th-grade elementary school students who show poor literacy characteristics and to provide basic data for the development of library-based literacy promotion programs based on this. For this purpose, 40 elementary school students were recruited from Public Library B in Daegu, and an eye-tracking-based reading test and vocabulary test were conducted. They were divided into an experimental group and a control group and a 20-hour reading instruction program was conducted. The results of the study are as follows. 1) In terms of the number of times the Superbook class was read to completion, the average was six times, while the paper book class was read to completion once on average, showing that the Superbook class had a higher rate of reading completion. 2) As a result of the comparison of eye tracking-based reading test pre/post tests, the Superbookboard improved fluency and readability more than the paperboard. 3) As a result of the pre/post comparison of the vocabulary test, the Superbook increased the vocabulary score more than the paper bookshelf. 4) As a result of pre/post comparison of reading attitudes, there was no statistically significant difference in paperboards, but there was a statistically significant difference in ‘efficacy’ and ‘anxiety’ factors in Superbook boards.

Gayeon Back(Yonsei University) ; Jee Yeon Lee(Yonsei University) pp.151-177 https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2024.41.4.151

This study aims to exploratively analyze the information sharing behaviors and characteristics of Generation Z on ephemeral social media, specifically Instagram Stories. Thirteen participants born between 1996 and 2004, representing Generation Z, were interviewed in-depth, and the data were analyzed using grounded theory. The results revealed that Generation Z tends to share information in a temporary and implicit manner to avoid the pressure associated with permanent posts, utilizing this as a means of personal branding and social interaction. They primarily emphasized everyday and positive images, minimizing explicit and precise emotional expression. Notably, younger individuals within Generation Z employed layered information sharing management through features like “close friends” lists and private accounts. This study, as an initial exploration of information sharing characteristics on ephemeral social media, contributes to a deeper academic understanding of Generation Z’s social media information sharing behaviors and digital self-management strategies. The findings can also inform the development of differentiated strategies for social media services that consider the unique information sharing characteristics of Generation Z.

HyoJin Geum(Jeonbuk National University) ; Dongmin Yang(Jeonbuk National University) pp.179-207 https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2024.41.4.179

As the R&D paradigm shifts to data-driven science, the importance of research data sharing and management procedures is gaining attention. In particular, research data funded by public funds is an important subject of record management as an administrative information dataset because it is acquired in the course of the duties of administrative organizations. Due to the nature of research data, it is difficult to apply the existing concept of record lifecycle, and the current administrative information dataset record management plan does not fully reflect these characteristics, which makes it difficult to manage and preserve research data. Therefore, this study aims to propose record management metadata elements that reflect the characteristics of research data and consider the future utilization of research data. For this purpose, NAK8, NAK35, ISAD(G), and PREMIS data models were utilized. This study is expected to lay the foundation for more effective management of research data records.

Sung Sook Lee(Chungnam National University) ; Ji Won Lee(Daegu Catholic University) pp.209-234 https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2024.41.4.209

This study examined the recent trends and intellectual structure of research on library and information science education, which needs continuous change and improvement, using quantitative, network analysis, and content analysis methods on articles published over a 22 years from 2002 to 2023. The main findings of the analysis are as follows. First, the number of articles on LIS education in Korea totaled 169 articles, with an average of 7.7 articles per year, and the journal that published the most articles was the Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society. Second, the author keyword analysis showed that the most frequent keywords were ‘curriculum’, ‘continuing education’, ‘education course’, ‘LIS’, ‘LIS education’, ‘librarian’, ‘librarian teacher’, ‘school library’, ‘course’, and ‘subject librarian’. Third, the research topics formed four large clusters(Higher education cluster, Continuing education cluster, Archivist training cluster, Teacher librarians training cluster) and 16 small clusters. Fourth, the analysis of the growth index and the standard performance index showed that research on the general curriculum of LIS was the most common throughout the period, and three small clusters(curriculum cluster, continuing education cluster, education course cluster) showed a growth trend, but these clusters also showed weak growth. Fifth, the research topics with high triangle betweenness centrality are ‘curriculum’, ‘LIS’, ‘librarian’, ‘LIS education’, and ‘information professionals’, and the research topics with high average relevance to other topics are ‘curriculum’, ‘LIS’, ‘librarian’, ‘education course’, and ‘records management’. The significance of this study is that it can be used as a basis for considering the direction of library and information science education in Korean universities and continuing education institutions in the future.

Nuri Kim(Jeonbuk National University) ; Song Kim(Jeonbuk National University) ; Jung-eun Lee(Jeonbuk National University) ; Dongmin Yang(Jeonbuk National University) pp.235-261 https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2024.41.4.235

This study proposes the introduction of significant properties to ensure the four major attributes of records: authenticity, integrity, reliability, and usability during the digitization process of paper records. Records digitization projects promoted by public institutions focus on reproducing the appearance and content of records. Records created mainly through scanning have different characteristics from electronic records created digitally from the time of production, so they require additional significant properties that must be preserved in addition to appearance and content. The current 「Selection Criteria for Preservation Format of Digital Records (v1.0)」 targets records created in electronic form, making it difficult to apply to records that are digitized from analogue records. With the enforcement of the 「Special Act on Domestic Adoption」 in 2025, a large number of adoption records scattered across domestic adoption agencies will have to be acquired by the National Center for the Rights of the Child. In the acquisition process, adoption records are expected to be digitized for utilization and preservation, so adoption record digitization that preserves significant properties such as appearance, content, structure, context, and function is necessary. This study aims to contribute to the establishment of a long-term preservation strategy by deriving the attributes that are essential to be preserved during the digitization process for the adoption records among paper records with a permanent retention period and suggesting a direction for digitization based on these.

Myung Hee Yoon(Academic Library Development Research Institute, Yonsei University) ; Hyeyoung Kim(Cheongju University) ; Jee Yeon Lee(Yonsei University) pp.263-294 https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2024.41.4.263

This study aims to establish the roles and operational systems of regional representative libraries in light of the 2021 Library Act revision in South Korea. The research methodology involved a comprehensive review of relevant legislation and local ordinances, coupled with surveys and interviews conducted with officials from 17 metropolitan and provincial governments and regional representative libraries nationwide. The findings indicate that the formulation and implementation of regional library policies were perceived as the most critical role of regional representative libraries, while their support and cooperation with local libraries were recognized as their most significant operational achievement. Regarding the relationship between provincial/metropolitan governments and regional representative libraries, the prevailing opinion suggested the necessity of maintaining library policy departments within main government offices, even after the establishment of regional representative libraries. However, concerns were raised about potential inefficiencies due to task duplication and limitations in policy-making that may not adequately reflect field requirements. The significance of this study lies in its systematic classification of representative libraries based on their operational status and its in-depth analysis of the practical situations and conditions faced by both government offices and representative libraries. Through this approach, the research explores strategies for regional representative libraries to contribute effectively to balanced development and the reduction of information disparities between regions.

Minju Kim(Sookmyung Women's University) ; Donghee Shin(Sookmyung Women's University) pp.295-320 https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2024.41.4.295

Nowadays, libraries perform variety roles. It causes libraries to be the subject of research across various academic disciplines. The purpose of this study is to find the associations among disciplines. Because each of the academic disciplines has its own perspectives and research methods. The subject of analysis is research that co-cites articles related to the library. The Apriori algorithm one of the association rule mining was applied in the research field to analyze the rules of association. As a result, 28 academic disciplines were made three clusters and two independent clusters. All the academic disciplines are linked by intermediate nodes. Academic disciplines classification ‘professional type’ citing a few fields, ‘general type’ citing a number of adjacent fields, and ‘expanded type’ citing the entire discipline at the center of the cluster, based on the frequency of intermediate nodes. Library and Information Science are categorized into expanded types. But professional types like Chineses Language and Culture or Atmospheric Science don’t have association rules with Library and Information Science. This suggests a demand for researchers who are collaborative in studying libraries like co-research is existing. And the researcher of Library and Information Science can expand academic disciplines, through collaboration with unrelated to professional type.

Seongeun Im(Jeonbuk National University) ; Bong-Suk Kang(Jeonbuk National University) pp.321-340 https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2024.41.4.321

The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the importance and performance perception of media literacy education competencies of teacher librarians, and to propose practical methods for teacher librarians to effectively cultivate media literacy education competencies based on this. To this end, an online survey was conducted on teacher librarians nationwide, and finally, 100 responses were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that all respondents of teacher librarians had insufficient recognition of actual performance compared to the degree of recognition of the importance of media literacy education competencies. Additionally, differences in the perception of the importance and performance of these competencies were observed based on school level, media literacy training experience, and media literacy teaching experience. And competencies that require intensive attention were derived. This study suggested specific and diverse support measures to strengthen the media literacy education competencies of teacher librarians.

Jiyoung Shim(Academic Library Development Research Institute, Yonsei University) pp.341-368 https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2024.41.4.341

This study identified the book-related appeal factors influencing the selection and use of books based on readers’ experiences revealed in online bookstore reviews. As a result of content analysis on 1,094 Korean and English reviews of 187 books with various topics and genres/formats, the appeal factors were identified by dividing them into readers, authors, general elements of books(language/format, topic/subject), fiction, and non-fiction. The results of this study, which segmented the appeal factors of existing readers’ advisory services, will be useful not only for improving library services to help readers search for and use books but also as data for enhancing the design of facets in reading material systems.

Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management