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The Moderating Effect of Self-Regulatory Resources on the Relationship between the Online Word-of-Mouth and Product Attitude


Online consumer review is a key factor for potential consumer which plays a important role in evaluating & making choice a product. Also many firms are taking advantage of online consumer review as a new marketing tool. However, a large amount of online review makes consumers deplete their self-regulatory resource & renders them vulnerable to irrational decision making. This article explores how depleted self-regulatory resources impact consumer's response to online review by conducting two experiments. In experiment 1, we asked participants to solve a cognitive task for the purpose of manipulation to deplete self-resources, & examined the differential effects of online review direction(positive vs. negative) on product evaluation. In addition, a series of studies suggest that the sequential choice may itself drain some of the self's precious resource, thereby leaving the executive function less capable of carrying out its other activities. Based on these recent articles, in experiment 2, we examined the influence of online review on consumer's product evaluation in accordance with depleted resources through decision contexts. These finding suggests that in the first experiment, depleted participants have more favorable attitude than non-depleted participants when positive online reviews are represented, however, depleted participants have less favorable attitude than non-depleted participants when negative online reviews are represented. In the second experiment, complex choice context depleted self-regulatory resources as well as difficult cognitive task. Therefore, participants who experienced complex choice context were susceptible to affect positive review & have more favorable attitude than others who made easy choices. Similar to the results of Study 1, they also seems to be sensitive to negative review & have worse product evaluation when negative review & neutral review were presented simultaneously. Based on the findings, the theoretical & managerial implication are then discussed.

Self-regulatory Resource Depletion, eWOM, Valence of Information, Compromise Effects, Heuristic, Information Processing



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