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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study examined the effectiveness of using a TV commercial and a digital outdoor ad (a version of TV commercial edited to run on a digital outdoor billboard). In general, companies run the two types of ads in the order of TV-outdoor rather than outdoor-TV. However, the order companies employ may not correspond with the order consumers actually get exposed to the ads. Regarding the possibility, past research has shown that the effectiveness of using multiple types of ads can be affected by the order consumers get exposed to each ad. Such tendency was also evidenced in the experiment this study conducted for TV commercials and digital outdoor ads, that is, consumers responded to the ads more favorably when exposed to the ads in the order of TV-outdoor rather than outdoor-TV. Further, the tendency was found to be moderated by the type of TV commercial. Specifically, the tendency was pronounced when the TV commercial was audio-stimulating one (the one that includes components stimulating consumer's auditory sense rather than visual sense) rather than visual-stimulating one (the one that includes components stimulating consumer's visual sense rather than auditory sense).
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