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Extension of Technology Acceptance Model in Electronics Product: Focusing on Perceived product innovateness and perceived risk


We developed and examined four models that add perceived product innovateness and perceived risk on the extended Technology Acceptance Model that is widely accepted in consumer research. Perceived product innovateness and perceived risk are considered as mediators between belief and attitude in Model 1 and Model 2, counted as effective variables of belief in Model 3, and regarded as another belief variable in Model 4. We tested each model using 3 products of low, moderate, high level innovateness and as a result Model 1 and Model 2 were supported. In addition, we examined the differences among models, focusing on path coefficients and mean of the models' variables. As a result, the low level and high level innovateness products were supported in Model 2 and the moderating level product were supported in Model 1. Furthermore, we found statistically significant differences in path coefficients between the low level and the high innovativ products. The results showed that the perceived usefulness and the perceived ease of use were lower and the perceived risk was higher relatively in the high level innovatness products. Product attitude and purchase intension was relatively higher in the moderate level showing a reversed U curve pattern that supported previous studies.

innovative product, acceptance of innovateness product, Technology Acceptance Model, extended Technology Acceptance Model, TAM, perceived product innovateness, perceived risk



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