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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study is to develop and validate an estimating scale that measures a newly noted concept called consumer happiness. In this study, consumer happiness is defined as “experiencing happiness through consuming activity,” and a conceptually founded scale that measures consumer happiness was examined and validated through exploratory study and confirmatory study. Data was taken from 526 adults living in Seoul and 6 other major cities in Korea with the conceptually founded consumer happiness scale. Half of the data, then, was used to perform exploratory study and other half of the data for confirmatory study. Results of exploratory study showed reliability and validity of the consumer happiness scale. Internal consistency coefficient showed high score of ,8953 and, in accordance with the conceptual study, “problem-solving happiness factor”, “person relevant happiness factor” and “shopping contingent happiness factor,” were extracted from the data as the three main factors. Confirmatory study, using covariance structural modeling, produced a model that confirms the three main factors of consumer happiness and verifies goodness of fit of the model. Since the fitness index of the produced consumer happiness scale has exceeded the minimum requirements, the validity of consumer happiness scale(CHS) was confirmed. Finally, limitations of this study and directions for further studies are discussed.
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