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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
In situation of continuous growth of luxury market and expansion of consumer, consumption value of luxury changed to various shapes. Therefore this study analyzed empirically to understand how new luxury image has effect on brand preference and purchase intention according to consumers' prior knowledge and perceived risk. Fist, analyzed result about luxury image, new luxury image was distinguished to four components such as social symbolism of ostentation and social recognition, fashion trend of surrounding ownership, product value of product quality and design, and brand value of brand aware and famousness. Second, analyzed result about the effect of luxury images according to consumers' prior knowledge, the component of social symbolism had largest effect on brand preference and purchase intention in consumer group of high prior knowledge image, On the other hand, the component of fashion trend had largest effect on brand preference and purchase intention in consumer group of low prior knowledge image. Finally, analyzed result about the effect of luxury images according to consumers' perceived risk, the component of fashion trend had largest effect on brand preference and purchase intention regardless of consumers' perceived risk. But the influence of all luxury image components appeared differently according to consumers' perceived risk.
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