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How brand application influences brand performance: with emphasis on the role of telepresence as an intermediating variable


The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of experience of brand application on brand performance. This study suggested and tested the hypothetical model that experience of brand applications had indirect effects on brand performances including brand awareness, brand image, brand loyalty, and purchase intention via a intermediating variable such as telepresence. A survey was conducted for 400 current users of brand applications in Korea to gather data needed to test the causal relationship between experience of brand applications and brand performances via telepresence. The results of structural equation model analysis found that only two of six types of experiences of brand application such as “THINK”, and “ENTERTAINMENT” had indirect effects on four of brand performances via the intermediating variable such as telepresence. This meant that telepresence played an important role as the intermediating variable in the causal relationship between experience of brand application and brand performances.

brand app, brand application, experience, telepresence, brand performance, brand equity



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