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The Influence of the forced Exposure of Internet Ads on Advertising Effectiveness: Focusing on Moderating Effect of Web-Contents type


The purpose of this research is to explore the influence of the forced exposure of Internet Ads on memory and attitude. The forced exposure of Internet Advertisements is supposed to interrupt web-user to process an information on the web-pages. The interruption of processing information cause negative emotion to web-user and lead to negative attitude toward advertisement as a result. This study examine that web-contents can play a role as control variable in decreasing negative effect of forced exposure of internet Ads. The web-contents is divided by information and entertainment type. It is expected that entertaining web-site decrease the negative attitude toward the forced internet Ads. An experiment was carried out in 2×2 factorial design which contains two types of forced Ads and web-contents as independent variables to find out effect on recall and attitude toward ads. The result shows that the forced exposure of internet Ads increase advertising recall and recognition, but have an negative effect on the attitude toward advertisement. The forced Ads has different effect in the context of web-sites. It is found that the search of information at the entertaining web-site decrease the negative attitude toward Ads from forced exposure than the search of information at the informative web-site. This study give an implication that the forced exposure of advertisement is undesirable in forming positive attitude, but can counter balance the negative effect in the context of web-contents.

forced exposure, web-contents type, internet, advertising effect



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