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Analyses of Persuasion and Product Evaluation by the Social Distance of the Recommendation in SNS


Consumers share their opinions about products and sometimes show positive reactions to messages about products and brands by clicking “retweet” on Twitter or “like” and “share” on Facebook. In SNS, receivers feel a social distance because they are able to search for the senders' profile. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of social distance in SNS messages on message responses and the moderating role of regulatory focus and the need for uniqueness of products. In other words, this study was performed to examine how regulatory focus and the need for uniqueness of products affect persuasion and evaluation toward products presented with SNS messages showing either proximal or distal social distance. The results show that prevention focus oriented consumers think that the message is more persuasive and have a more favorable evaluation than promotion focus oriented consumers when the social distance of the message is proximal. On the contrary, promotion focus oriented consumers think that the message is more persuasive and have a more favorable evaluation than prevention focus consumers when the social distance of the message is distal. Furthermore, in case of distal social distance, there are no significant differences in the persuasion, product evaluation or purchase intention between the level of the need for uniqueness of products. However, in case of proximal social distance, consumers think that the recommendation of the lower level of the need for uniqueness of products is more persuasive and has a more favorable evaluation and higher purchase intention than the recommendation of the higher level of the need for uniqueness of products. Based on the findings, the theoretical and managerial implication has been discussed.

Social Network Service, Social Distance, Regulatory Focus, Need for Uniqueness, Product Recommendation, SNS Marketing



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