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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study is to suggest theoretical frame for social network service. For the purpose, we categorized SNS’s network structure to symmetric network and asymmetric network, and verified it is playing for self-construal priming. As a result, symmetric SNS users(Facebook users) were primed interdependent self-construal, and asymmetric SNS users(Twitter users) were primed independent self-construal. From this theoretical background, trying to classify best fit between message oriented(I oriented/we oriented) effect and attributes of consumer' benefit(hedonic-benefit/utilitarian-benefit) on Cause Related Marketing strategy. According to this experimental study, I oriented message and hedonic benefit are more effective with independent self-construal priming SNS on the CRM. And the other hand, message orient(we oriented) and benefit(utilitarian-benefit) works separately for self-construal.
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