ISSN : 1229-8778
There’s been a growing interest in art infusion phenomena among marketing scholars and practitioners. As part of a research examining the effectiveness of art infusion, this research investigates how art popularity and image influences evaluation of consumer product, moderated by product sociality and art familiarity in the following two studies. Study 1 demonstrated that consumer’s pattern of reactions on art popularity and image differs depending on degrees of art familiarity and product sociality. More specifically, consumers with high art familiarity displayed higher product preference and purchase intention to products with art that is highly popular. In contrast, consumers with low art familiarity displayed higher product preference and purchase intention to products with cheerful art image. Also, the results were significant when the product was easily noticed by others (public product), rather than when the product was used at home or in private (private product). Study 2 revealed the effects of art popularity and image on product preference to consumers with low art familiarity, given the information on the art’s popularity. As a result, unlike the results from study 1, consumers with low art familiarity showed higher product preference to products with art of high popularity, regardless of the art image. These studies not only elaborated art infusion effect by integrating the characteristics of art, product, and consumer, but also offered the psychological and social meaning of art infusion effect from the perspective of consumers.
통계청. 2013년 한국의 사회지표.
한국문화예술위원회. 2013년 문예예감.
문화체육관광부. 2013 공연예술실태조사.
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