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ISSN : 1229-8778
This study investigates whether headline copy and product type in visual metaphoric ads have an effect on ads effectiveness focusing on moderating effect on need for cognition. In this study, headline copies were manipulated by such that nonmetaphoric headline copy, metaphoric headline copy, and no headline copy, product types were manipulated by functional and hedonic product, and then consumer’s need for cognition was manipulated by low and high cognition level. This paper used a 3X2X2 between subject experiment design and then measured advertising effects. The research findings were as follows: First, there was a significant difference in the interaction effect between headline copy type and product type. In functional product, nonmetaphoric headline copy ads was most favored, and in hedonic product, metaphoric headline copy ads was most favored in ads effectiveness. Second, there was a significant difference in the interaction effect between headline copy type and need for cognition level. Compared with low need for cognition level, high need for cognition level was more favored on advertising effects. In low need for cognition level, nonmetaphoric headline copy and metaphoric headline copy were more favored than no headline copy ads, and in high need for cognition level, no headline copy was more favored than nonmetaphoric headline copy ads and metaphoric headline copy ads in ads effectiveness. Third, there was a significant three-way interaction effect among headline copy type, product type, and need for cognition. In low need for cognition, there was no significant difference in the interaction effect between headline copy type and product type on ads effectiveness. However, in high need for cognition, there was a significant difference in the interaction effect between headline copy type and product type on ads effectiveness. In addition, in high need for cognition level, functional product has a favored brand attitude on nonmetaphoric headline copy, and hedonic product has a favored brand attitude on metaphoric headline copy.
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