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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of present study was to test the propriety of the path model in which materialism affects both identity buying motive and emotion regulation buying motive, and these buying motives affect compulsive buying. First, based on the results of previous researches, the research model and competitive models were developed, and were tested which model of those is the fittest to the data. Futhermore, it was investigated whether there were differences on the paths of the research model by self-construals and gender. Second, it was tested whether the mediation effects of identity buying motive and emotion regulation buying motive were moderated by general decision making style in the pathway from materialism to compulsive buying. Data from 465 college students in Korea were analyzed using structural equation modeling, regression analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, and moderated mediation analysis. The results were as follows. First, the fittest model in this study was the one in which materialism influenced identity and emotion regulation of buying motives, and identity buying motive did not influence compulsive buying but emotion regulation buying motive influenced compulsive buying. Second, there were no differences on the paths of the research model by self-construals and gender. Third, emotion regulation buying motive had a full mediation effect in the relation between materialism and compulsive buying. Also, spontaneous style of decision making had moderation effect in the pathway from emotion buying motive to compulsive buying. Finally, spontaneous style of decision making had moderated mediation effects through emotion regulation buying motive in the relationship between materialism and compulsive buying. We discussed the meaning of results and the implications for therapeutic intervention of compulsive buying.
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