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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study was performed to explore the effects of self-construal on preference for product assortment and variety seeking behavior. Study 1 examined how self-construal affects consumer’s preference for product assortment while Study 2 investigated the effect of sel-construal on variety seeking behavior. In Study 1, participants were primed with self-construal and asked to choose between small and large product assortment. Results indicate that independent self-construal participants preferred small product assortment to large product assortment whereas interdependent self-construal participants preferred large product assortment. In Study 2, after being primed with self-construal, participants were asked to select 7 out of 10 different product types. Findings show that independent self-construal participants selected less variable product types than independent self-construal participants. Future research and implications of this study in product assortment strategies and variety seeking behavior are discussed.
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