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The Impact of individualism-collectivism, moral norm on intention of proenvironmental behavior and proenvironmental consumption: focusing on moderating effect of price sensitivity


The purpose of this study was to investigate an impact of individualism-collectivism and moral norm on intention of proenvironmental behavior and proenvironmental consumption with moderating effect of price sensitivity. The intention of proenvironmental consumption was divided into well-bing and environmental protection according to message conditions. The study results showed that collectivism and high moral norm increased the intention of proenvironmental behavior and proenvironmental consumption. In particular, the intention of proenvironmental behavior had much greater effect than the intention of proenvironmental consumption. The collectivism and high moral norm increased the intention of proenvironmental consumption in relation with message to focuss on well-being, while the individualism and low moral norm increased the intention of proenvironmental consumption in relation with message to focuss on environmental protection. However, the moderating effect of price sensitivity did not appear between individualism-collectivism and proenvironmental consumption as well as between moral norm and proenvironmental consumption. The present study suggests that suitable message for target group will be made for the effect on proenvironmental behavior and proenvironmental consumption because the perception of proenvironment is different for everyone.

individualism-collectivism, moral norm, price sensitivity, proenvironemental behavior, proenvironmental consumption



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