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The Study on Effects of Price payment method on Consumers’ perceived value and purchase attitude


This study was performed to examine whether the purchase attitudes and subjective value perceptions of consumer depending upon payment methods are changed by the construal levels. In Study 1, payment ways were classified as the Installment purchase and the purchasing after savings, and a lump sum condition was added in study 2. In both study 1 and study2, the people who has the high construal level more positively evaluated the purchase attitudes and subjective values for the purchasing after savings than people who has the lower constral level did. Whereas, there was no differences in the attitudes and the subject values for installment irrespective of the construal levels. In study 2 added a lump sum condition, the purchase attitudes, the purchase intentions, and subjective values for the lump sum was lower than those of the other two payment ways. Also, in the purchasing after savings condition, there were difference in the purchase attitudes, the purchase intentions, and subjective values by construal level, but there were not differences in a lump sum at all. These results show that despite the purchasing after savings and a lump sum apparently seem similar to each other because of a single payment, they have different internal mechanisms.

Price payment method, saving, Installment purchase, lump sum payment, construal level, subjective value, purchase attitude, purchase intention



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