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The Effect of Consumers’ Social Exclusion Experience on the Evaluation of the Autonomy Brand Strategy


Previous studies have shown that social exclusion experience threatens social existence and independence of consumers. Those who experienced social exclusion are motivated to recover independence and they tend to prefer and consume brands conveying autonomy. This study was performed to identify the effect of social exclusion on consumers' assessment of brand strategies. Findings from studies 1 and 2 indicate that participants in the social exclusion condition preferred an autonomy brand strategy over a norm brand strategy (Study 1) and the effect of social exclusion on the preference for the autonomy brand strategy was mediated by a decrease in negative assessment rather than an increase in positive assessment (Study 2). The result suggests that social exclusion reduces negative evaluation of the negative aspect of the autonomous brand, which, in turn, increases preference for the autonomy brand strategy over the norm brand strategy. The future directions and limitations of the study were discussed.

Social Exclusion, Brand Personality, Brand Strategy, Autonomy, Coolness



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