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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study was conducted to find out the effect of appearance satisfaction and social appearance awareness on the attitudes toward makeup using self-esteem as a mediator variable. A survey was carried out on 300 men in ages from 20s to 50s living all over the country who had make-up experience. The analysis was conducted to verify the reliability and validity of the measurement variables and the structural equation model analysis was performed to verify the relationship between the factors. In addition, a ANOVA was used to identify the mean differences between groups to determine how gender identity types in men affect men's make-up behavior. According to the result of the study, the higher the satisfaction level of appearance was, the more positive the self-esteem was. The more the awareness of social appearance was, the more positive the self-esteem was, but the awareness of social appearance had no direct influence on the attitude toward make-up. However, both appearance satisfaction and awareness of social appearance were found to affect the attitude toward make-up mediating self-esteem. Meanwhile, androgyny and masculinity among male gender identity types were found to be higher in appearance satisfaction and self-esteem than in femininity and unidentified types, while in the awareness of social appearance, femininity was higher than other types. In terms of make-up attitude, the androgyny type was more positive compared to other types. Apart from women's makeup, these results can be meaningful in clarifying the motivations for men's makeup. Finally, the limitations of this study and the direction of future research were presented.
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